Role of Credit Information Sharing, and Business Intelligence in Supporting Trade and Investment Decisions

The program was organized under the title: The Role of Credit Information Sharing and Business Intelligence in Supporting Trade and Investment Decisions, and was an opportunity for 32 participants representing 10 OIC member states to increase their knowledge and understanding about the OBIC, its core business areas, and the services it will be offering. Participants gained also an insight into how to effectively use the OBIC platform as an improved Credit Risk Management tool that will facilitate access to finance for Trade and Investment, as well as the mitigation of risks related to those activities.

During its different working sessions that continued for three days, the program focused on the importance of the Role of Business Intelligence & Digital Transformation in Supporting Business Decisions, credit information and data sharing when it comes to decision-making with regard to the evaluation of the environments for potential investments, in addition to the efficient utilization of Statistical Sources of Information on Credit, Trade, and Investment.  The session also highlighted the importance of supporting Member States in their development plans and the implementation of their business intelligence strategies.

The program lasted for three days and included presentations and open discussions, where participants were actively engaged during interactive and networking sessions with peer from other instutions and industry experts to gain insights from the case studies and real-life examples presented.
The Chief Executive Officer of ICIEC, Oussama Kaissi, in his closing remarks urged the participants on the importance of the digitalisation & Business Intelligence in today’s business environment, and stressed on the important role planned for the OBIC.

He also indicated the importance of working towards gaining the required understanding and skills in the areas of credit information and data sharing, digitalization and business intelligence in order to be able to make informed trade and investment decisions, especially with the availability of the capacity building and advisory services as part of the bundle of services to be offered by the OBIC.

Articles: 19851