Forestalling a flight to an anarchical State

There are have been volumes of thoughts regarding the chains of events informing the state-of-the-nation in Nigeria in recent times. These range from the perceived ineptitudeness of the government to address the pressing matters of concern; the seemingly selective application of rule of law to some perceived sacred group of people in the Country; the interrogation and negotiation of living together as a people or the respective groups making up the Country going on their separate ways.  It is unfortunate that while the masses  still grapple, yet to recover from dehumanizing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is very worrisome that Nigeria’s homemade brand of  “pandemic”  like nepotism, ethnicity, insensitivity, and lackadaisical attitude has started taking their toll on the Federation.

It would not be off-point to say that the security of  the country  is nothing to write home about—this includes the six-geopolitical zones of the Country.  What is obtainable in the northern region has been  a manifestation of clusters of factors including religion extremism borne out of years of apparently delibrate improverishment of mind, poverty of the soul and technical disenfranchisement of people from Western education. On the other hand, what is obtainable in the South seems perculiar and may not be the same with what we have in the Northern region of the Country.

It has to be pointed out here, that the intention is not to play blame game or apportion of blame to any region or leader as the case may be, but an engagement of voice of reason towards rebuilding a national and prosperous Country.  This is because, it is only in unity that success can be achieved individually and collectively. However, the vision of a unified and prosperous country can only be achievable when everyone irrespective of where you come from,  realizes that we all deserve to be each respected. If the main objective of  an ethnic group  or individual is to terrorise another, using all political and non-political artillery to trade off disorder borne out of absence of toleratance for each other, then all efforts galvanized towards building an enviable country is at best an illusion.  If one of the important tasks before the  government is to unravel or proffer solution to security architecture in the country but people continue to lose their lives in numbers  across the country,  it’s high time all citizens be engulfed in a serious soul searching.

Followers of political events in Nigeria  will recall that an appeal for decentralization of the Country’s security architecture has been made over and over again, which the federal government seems to have turned a deaf ear. The reason for the utter insensitivity is still mystical as the security profile continues to wax sour in the Country. Perhaps, the lack of proper analytical understanding of the demands of the complex situation of the Federation might be responsible for the lack of political will to effect the move. The posture to look otherwise, has been argued by  observers as a delibrate choice to keep the country within unpalatable circumstances over myopic interests. Whatever the case may be, the agitation for state police has received harsh criticisms and being applauded simultaneously. The inconstructive critisms seem rather to be favoured by the traditionalists whose perception is apparently out of date to suit the demands of Nigeria presently.

Reactions to recent response to security issues in the South West zone have begun to take new face of controversies, particularly with the recent killings  and the Ondo State Government quit order for herdsmen, the Oyo State scenario and the emergency of  the Yoruba activist “Sunday IGBOHO” (real name Chief Sunday Adeyemi). Although, eminent individuals and political pundits have bared their mind on the subject matter with each seeking justification, it is important to situate the whole scenario within the context of  constitutional provisions. Inproactiveness cum lukewarmness of the Federal Government in the face of the need for safety of lives and property have continued to attract negative concerns.

The Federal Government’s body language has been argued to be drafted in favour of a certain set of people, particularly with aggrieved citizens raising question over the onslaught of the herdsmen whose attack on natives of communities across the Country is raising the threat of ethnic face-off in the Country. The docile response of the Government to take decisive actions over the struggle, has apparently positioned the Government on the track of unpopularity as concerned citizens continue to question why a sect which places prominence to animals over human   lives, is treated with preference.  Questions have continued to come forth over why is it taking the government much time  to address issues of fundamental importance?  Has the government easily forgotten that one of its principal responsibility is securing  the lives and properties of the citizenry?

It is the failure of those saddled with the responsibility of governance that has skyrocketed to individuals taking up arms to defend him/her self. If this persists and the government remains docile and unresponsive to the challenges posed by insecurity, then the Country is heading towards a total collapse or  steps bending towards anarchy where  “men eat each other and strongest of all survive.”

The government must take proactive measures to douse the tension and this must be done with sincerity without treating any sect or group as sacred in the fight against every form of insecurity in the Country. Every apparatus or tool in providing permanent solution to the security challenge must culminate into peace, as anything short of it will represent a  flight to an anarchical state. While President Muhammadu Buhari has appointed new Service Chiefs, it is paramout the appointment should be guarded with strict close-mark to ensure their profile do not trail the path of the unsavoury experience under the replaced Service Chiefs.

Articles: 19851