Michael Owhoko

Seven lessons of Okuama calamity

By Michael Owhoko, Ph.D Has Nigeria learnt any lessons from the Okuama massacre?  Will the incident repeat itself or offer profound lessons against future experience?  In the journey of life, no individual or nation or country is immune from occurrences…

Oil is owned by Niger Delta, not Nigeria

By Michael Owhoko, Ph.D For the record and for posterity, it is imperative to state that oil found in the Niger Delta region belongs to the people of the area.  It is not owned by Nigeria.  God provided every habitat…

Why the Water Resources Bill must be rejected

By Michael Owhoko, Ph.D There are strong indications that the National Water Resources Bill 2020 will soon be reintroduced at the National Assembly.  If passed into law, communities and people living along water fronts in the country, particularly Niger Delta…