Preparing for God’s sudden visitation

Beloved, God’s visitation to human, nations, and other places are inevitable because He controls the universe. His sudden appearance or visitation is always without notice depending on the reasons for paying such a visit. He does this in different ways.

When Adam was in the Garden of Eden, God used to visit him in the likeness of Men and immediately he disobeyed, God began to use other methods of visitation like Angelic Visitation, Prophecy, Dreams, Vision, Signs, and Symbols, Direct calls through his voice, Wise Men and Chosen Vessels to communicate or pass vital instructions to man till today. It must however be noted, God’s visitation in whatever form could be dangerous and it could be favorable.

God’s sudden Visitation (Gen 18 vs. 1) to Abraham, His friend and His Prophet (Gen. 20 vs. 6 & 7),, was favorable to his household because has prepared them Spiritually ( Gen. 18 vs. 19), Physically ( Gen  18 vs. 2), and Materially ( Gen. 18 vs. 7 – 9 ) for such a visit. He honored his three visitors with all his resources because a supreme being was among them and his long-awaited blessing was delivered to him. He was told and reassured of the exact time the promised Child; Isaac would be born (Gen. 18 vs.10). On the other hand, God’s sudden visitation to Sodom and Gomorrah was not favorable because the two great cities were turned to ashes as a result of their sinful act. God could not find ten righteous people there (Gen. 19 vs. 24). Abraham pleaded on their behalf for God to have mercy but it was too late.

Jacob missed one of God’s sudden visitations, as he was unaware of God’s presence in the place he was because he was fast asleep (Gen. 28 vs. 16). He prepared himself for His next visitation. As soon as he was visited, he did not allow the opportunity to slip away from him, He was blessed and his name was changed from Jacob to Israel (Gen. 32 vs. 24 – 29).

God visited the house of Haman through wise men and his wife (Esther 6 vs. 13) when he was bent on killing Mordecai and the Jews but he was unaware as he ignored their wise counsel. He paid for his ignorance in a sorrowful way. His entire household was wiped out from the surface of the earth (Esther 7 vs.10).

A chosen vessel, Jonah, was sent by God to Nineveh (Jonah 1 vs. 1-2), a great city, that was full of corruption and wickedness because of their lack of understanding (Job 28 vs. 28). Even the nobles in their land did not fear God and could not discern what is good from what is bad       (Jonah 4 vs.11). They yielded to God’s (Jonah 3 vs. 5 – 10) warning through the man sent to them who preached the message God commanded him, the gospel of repentance.

God visited the earth through Signs and Symbols (star) when the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who also came in the likeness of men was born, to announce the birth of a great King (Matt. 2 vs. 1-2). This is in addition to the different prophecies that had been said concerning Him. The three wise men took the advantage of this God’s visitation to locate where he was, gave him gifts, and paid obeisance to him before He commenced His assignment on the earth (Matt. 2 vs. 11). Those that were after the death of the Messiah when he was born all lost their lives (Matt 2 vs. 19 -20)

One of the amazing sudden visitations of God in our time is the establishment of different places of worship in every nook and cranny of the earth with the sole aim of winning souls to his kingdom so that when everything is eventually brought to an end, no one would have an excuse for not being saved. Salvation is basically about repentance from sin and being alive to God. It is not about religion.

As long as we are alive, God will continue to visit us through any form that pleases Him to direct us, to deliver to us our long-awaited blessings or miracles, to shed more light on a matter that is hidden or not clear to us, to warn, correct and sanction us.

Beloved the main Sudden (Matt. 24 vs. 36 – 39) Visitation of God is about to happen any time from now as the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is inevitable and certain and it is going to be like a thief in the night For this last sudden visitation of God to favor you, you must be born again, that is, repent and forsake your evil ways. You must also accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior to be free from the condemnation of men and for the forgiveness of all your sins. The right time to take these steps is now as tomorrow may be too late. Then, complement your effort by attending any Bible-believing church that is very close to you.

Remain blessed.

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