for F—
By Isaiah Adepoju
Everywhere I am is dark matter. Between us the concentration of distance.
Afternoon carries on aimless. Panels of bodies trundle in the rust of sun,
Bleak, pliant-boned. Equinox the ash of day. The ghost of happening
And death. Draw close behind curtain’s memory. For you’re my waking
Moment. My glory of East. My wind in tousled grass. My pour of spirit,
My city touched by specific darkness. My sun-glowed back, my confession
box. This thing inside me moving, that won’t stop. My weight of hands
in the nothing of room. My tragedy of stage after a play. Day deciding
against truth, known in certain, unexpected ways. In the pause of eyes,
in the paddle of feet and in the finished susurrus of evening, step in fromfixed point into consequence.
Isaiah Adepoju is a fellow of two national writing residencies, and the UNDERTOW Poetry Fellowship. His debut novel, “Happiness is a Sickle-kinikan in my Belly” was published this year (Abibiman, UK). Twitter: Isaiah_Adepoju_. | Instagram: isaiah_adepoju_