Jakky Bankong-Obi: Guest Editor for Women’s History Month

This March, in commemoration of Women’s History Month, we will be publishing only women. And we are happy to announce Jakky Bankong-Obi as the guest editor for the month!

Jakky’s poem, Braven, has been previously published by Poetry Column-NND. She is a communications consultant who lives and writes from Abuja, Nigeria. Her work has been featured/forthcoming in London Grip, The Kalahari Review, Amberflorazine, Zarf Poetry, Gutter Magazine, Hobartpulp, Pidgeonholes, Memento: An Anthology of Contemporary Nigerian Poetry etc. She enjoys long walks, yoga & dabbling in nature photography. Jakky is on Twitter as @jakkybeefive.

The submission guidelines remain the same, only, we seek entries from women throughout this month.

Articles: 19851