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Fraud: NANS visits EFCC, seeks collaboration



By FaramolaOluwa Bada

The  National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), South-South Zone B, has asked for closer collaboration and partnership with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in the fight against financial crimes across institutions in its area of coverage.

Speaking during a courtesy visit to the Commander of the EFCC Zonal Command in  Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Assistant Commander of EFCC, ACE Ahmed Ghali on Tuesday, Comrade Sam Levi Okuru, NANS’ Coordinator in the zone, said they were in the Commission to familiarise themselves with its activities and explore ways of collaborating to fight criminality within the campuses of tertiary institutions in the zone.

Responding, the Zonal Commander, ACE Ahmed. M. Ghali, thanked the students for coming to identify with the Commission.

He urged them to imbibe the virtues of hard work and unimpeachable character as values that will stand them out in life.

Ghali urged the Association covering Rivers, Bayelsa, Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Delta and Edo States to build its foundation on good moral ethics, integrity, hard work and stay away from internet fraud, popularly known as yahoo yahoo.

“We have to work on our character and the character of others. As I speak to you now, some of your members are in detention, why? I always sign the detention order with pains but we have to do it to deter others.

“If we don’t do it, the whole society will collapse. We can’t afford not to have character, we can’t afford not to have morals, we can’t afford to be thieves, and we can’t afford to be fraudsters. Always embrace hard work. Shun shortcut to wealth and fame,”   Ghali said.

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FUBK scores big in NUC accreditation exercise, gets 12 programmes accredited



The Federal University Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) has achieved a significant milestone in its academic journey, as the National Universities Commission (NUC) has accredited 12 of its undergraduate programmes.

According to the results of the accreditation exercise conducted between November and December 2023, 11 programmes received full accreditation, while one programme was granted interim accreditation.

The accredited programmes span across the Faculties of Arts, Social and Management Sciences, and the Faculty of Science, demonstrating the university’s commitment to academic excellence across various disciplines. The full accreditation status is valid for five years, while the programme with interim accreditation will be revisited in two years.q

The accreditation exercise was conducted by the NUC, and the results were signed by Ag. Director of Accreditation, Engr. Abraham Chundusu, on behalf of the Executive Secretary.

The university community and the public have been informed of this achievement, which is expected to boost the university’s reputation and attract more students to its accredited programmes.

The programmes that secured full accreditation include: Business Administration, History and International Studies, Demogragraphy and Social Statistics, Economics, Political Science and Sociology. The rest are Applied Geophysics, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics. On the other hand, the programme with interim accreditation would be fully accredited in the next two years.

While speaking on the development, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Muhammad Zaiyan Umar, “expressed delight over the results. He was optimistic that the other programme with interim accreditation would achieve full accreditation in the next two years.”

The Vice Chancellor “expressed gratitude to all stakeholders who participated in the exercise. He thanked the Management of FUBK, Deans, Directors and Heads of Department. He also appreciated staff and students of the University for their support and cooperation which contributed to the success of the exercise.”

The NUC report revealed that “Section 10 (1) of the education (national minimum standard and establishment of Institutions) Act CAP 3LE3, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, empowers the NUC to lay down Minimum Academic Standards for all academic programmes taught in Nigerian Universities and also to accredite such programmes.”

“The implementation of the Core Curriculum Minimum Academic Standards (CCMAS) commenced in 2023/2024 academic session. The University is expected to ensure compliance in the utilisation of the CCMAS for all programmes.”

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KWASU gets news VC



The Kwara State University (KWASU), Malete, has a new substantive Vice Chancellor in the person of Prof. Shaykh-Lukman Alade Jimoh.

The appointment was made by Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, following the outcome of the screening exercise conducted by the university’s governing council, in which Prof. Shaykh-Lukman emerged as the top candidate.

Prof. Shaykh-Lukman, 60, has been serving as the Acting Vice-Chancellor of the university and was previously the Deputy Vice Chancellor between 2020 and 2022.

He brings to the position decades of experience as an administrator and university scholar, with a stellar academic record that includes several honours and awards.

Some of his notable academic achievements include being the Best Graduating Student of the Department of Religions at the University of Ilorin in 1988, as well as receiving the University Undergraduate Scholarship Award and University Scholar awards in 1987/1988.

The appointment has been widely welcomed by the university community, with many expressing confidence in Prof. Shaykh-Lukman’s ability to lead the institution to greater heights.

He is a Fellow and member of many professional bodies such as Chartered Institute of Public Advocacy and Management and Council of Experts for International Centre on Contemporary Research in Islamic Sciences (United Kingdom).

Shaykh-Lukman hails from Igbaja in Ifelodun Local Government Area of Kwara State.

The Governor also approved for the Kwara State College of Education Ilorin to transmute into the University of Education for ease of take off and other logistic advantages.

“The government will continue ongoing efforts to transform the two other colleges of education and make them more viable in line with current realities in the sector,” according to a statement from the Government House.

Recall that the decision on the location of the university comes a few days after the governor assented to the Kwara State University Teaching Hospital (Establishment) and Kwara State University of Education (Establishment) Bills, effectively birthing a teaching hospital and the university of education.

The signing took place in Government House in Ilorin in the presence of House of Assembly Speaker Engr. Yakubu Danladi Salihu; Majority Leader Hon. Oba AbdulKadir Magaji; and the Clerk of the House AbdulKareem Ahmed; and a member of the Committee on the Establishment of Kwara State University of Education/Special Adviser (Special Duties) Abdulrazaq Jiddah.

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NYSC debunks news on introducing new uniform



By Matthew Denis

The Management of National Youths Service Corp (NYSC) has described the trending New uniform on social media as fake news and baseless.

This is contained in a statement signed by the Director of Information and Public Relations, Eddy Megwa which was made available to Newsmen on Friday.

The statement Reads ” the attention of NYSC Management has been drawn to a fake tiktok video trending online indicating that Corps Members’ uniform has been changed to a new one.

“For clarity sake, NYSC Management wish to State categorically that all the items of Corps Members’ uniforms that they collect on arrival during registration at the Orientation Camps remain the same.

It further urged Members of the public, especially Prospective Corps Members are hereby advised to disregard the misleading and highly embarrassing tiktok video in its entirety, as efforts are on-going on the distribution of uniforms and other essential variables to all the 37 NYSC Orientation Camps across the country in preparation for the forthcoming 2024 Batch ‘B’ Stream One Orientation Course.

Recall that the Federal Government approved for the improvement in the quality of the material used in sowing Corps Members’ uniform. This is already done and Corps Members are already enjoying the improved quality.

“Social Media Influencers are strongly warned to desist forthwith, from using NYSC Corporate brand in any online medium that may attract negative publicity to the Scheme, while defaulters would be prosecuted according to legal provisions.”

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