poetry column


By Aishat Yahkub I’ll let my shadows trail behind, while you holdmy untethered form in this blue darksea of stars lapping gently at usas the bored night rows our soulless bodies outto shore & back, with the drifting tidesdoes it…

A dove is a dua

By Rabi Lawal To live like a bumblebee,Is to be calm through the chaos.The world burning like the Djibouti sun.A flame for the child soaked in tomato-Red blood, mistaken for ketchup.Sleep clouds the rim of my weary mind.I love what…


By Rachael Madakan Dandi Nighttime under the moonlight, I speak of agingbonds. It begins with lust or love. The theory ofthe unloved unfurled after a backlash. A womancalls the world to hear her out. Her voice, musicin the core of…


By JL Maikaho I hear your heart the echoofdoors shutting out your armour everytear a salt lake stuck in the city that saysbe strong then gives you a red card for breakingwalls listen I too have wailedabyss theytake until you…


By Olayioye Paul Bamidele A theory goes: the dead, like the Rose of Jericho, know a thing about regermination. Say, water bears breathing in the soil. Say the flute songs in the bones of patriots. Healing bubbles the way harmattan…