Bishop David Oyedepo’s 39th wedding anniversary: A role model for happy homes

By Abimbola Abatta

In an era besieged with tales of divorce, separated parents, and broken homes, one cannot but ponder on the secret behind a few marriages that are still standing the test of time, trials, and tribulations.

Without a doubt, every human relationship has the tendency of ending in doom. Even though many spouses expect the worst, they always pray and hope for the best.

On Saturday, Bishop David Oyedepo and his wife celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary. The occasion of their anniversary showcased a journey of resilience, guts, and confidence despite the teeming negative stories about marriages.

Just as the Founder and General Overseer of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, Bishop Oyedepo has been vocal in his ministry, his beautiful wife, Pastor Faith Oyedepo has also stood by her husband since they got married in 1982.

One may wonder if the secret of their long journey into forever is hinged on their status as ministers of God. But then, history is replete with examples of religious couples all over the world whose marriages could not withstand the test of time.

While the power couple, Bishop and Pastor Oyedepo, might seem untouchable by the chaos of life and marriage, no one can deny the fact that they have put in the work to ensure that the marriage does not fail.

In John 16:33, Jesus said to his disciples: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

The passage above underscores the fact that professing disciples of Jesus Christ are not exempted from persecution and tribulations.

Drawing from the quoted Bible verse, it can be stated emphatically that Bishop and Pastor Oyedepo have had their fair share of tribulations, challenges. But because they chose to persevere, they can wade through the storm.

A look at the four children of Bishop Oyedepo and their non-controversial lifestyle gives an insight into the kind of family they were born into. In a generation where children are sources of constant headaches for the parents, Bishop Oyedepo’s children seem to be making their parents proud.

Outsiders might not be privy to the couple’s silent and private battles, but their 39 years of being together are enough proof of their commitment, support, dedication, strength, love, purpose, passion, understanding, and sacrifice.

Their lives remain an embodiment of the virtues upon which lasting relationships can be built.

Nothing good comes easy, but with perseverance and dedication, everything good will surely come.

Bearing in mind that relationships are not a bed of roses, Nigerian youths must understand that life itself is a series of ups and downs. As beautiful as a rose flower is, its thorns can maim the undiscerning. What makes life beautiful is our ability to withstand the storms and thorns.

All humans need one another to survive, conquer obstacles, and succeed in life. The Oyedepos’ commitment to each other over the years substantiates the importance of unity and understanding.

Bishop and Pastor (Mrs) Oyedepo are each other’s cheerleader. And without a doubt, their support for each other has brought them this far.

Those who desire success must not detest their humble beginnings. One of the invaluable lessons that should be emulated from this couple is perseverance. They are no longer where they used to be three decades ago. And counting their blessings today would have been impossible if they had not endured their storms together.

Life comes with forces that can topple one’s faith and hope. Regardless of these inevitable forces, if Bishop Oyedepo and his wife can conquer for thirty-nine years, anyone can also triumph when they have been trained in the school of endurance, patience, and commitment.

On August 21, Bishop Oyedepo wrote on Twitter: “These 39 years with you have been awesome. You have made this journey sweet and easy. I look forward to forever with you as God continues to engrace us.”

Similarly, his wife said: “Happy Anniversary to my darling husband @Davidoyedepimin. This journey that began 39 years ago seems just like yesterday. Thank you for being a blessing to me, our children and the world at large. I love you with passion.”

When the couple took to their social media pages to celebrate each other, the couple were simply celebrating a union of unity, understanding, patience, commitment, devotion, support, and most importantly, love.

Their dedication to each other has enabled them to thrive above the trials and tribulations that could have capsized their beautiful union. As the popular saying goes, love has conquered all tribulations for the Oyedepos.

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