The Social Atomic PEN Structural Theory of Change: Introduction (i)

By Dr. Mustapha Bintube

The Social PEN Structural Theory Of Change was first discovered by Dr. Mustapha Bintube in 2019. Dr. Bintube is of the Department of Journal, Directorate of Senate, National Assembly and Senior Visiting Lecturer, University of Maiduguri, (Unimaid), Nigeria

The Social PEN structural theory of change was constructed on the very foundation of Karl Popper’s deduction method of social scientific theorizing.

The theory rests on the thrust of (P+, E- and N) as variables for providing sufficient explanation, description and prediction of a phenomenal event around the world. It is powerfully situated on the pivots of (P+, E- and N) which require protoneous (P+) capital resource, electroneous (E-) human resource and neutroneous (N) social norm to play the role of calibration of any social system. The P+, E- and N (the social PEN) must play the role equivalence to inform change of any structure from Atomic invisibility stage to a more visible structural stage in the change series.

The (P+) is the capital resource element of social PEN theory and the (E-) is the human resource element while the (N) is neural element which is the social norms of the society and it plays the role of calibration and further recalibration of any phenomenon to context and relative or slow equilibrium.

Therefore, for any change to take place we need the three elements of the social PEN theory to work simultaneously and in harmony to ensure role equivalent of the PEN components for change and social progress of mankind.

Furthermore, in another sense, the P+ and E- represent capacity building response and social capital potential entrenchment for change in structures, social, economic and political to contain dynamics of the society that is rapidly changing.

The theory holds the belief that transition of any social system begins with social PEN structure of invisibility that is atomic in their characteristics to attain the PEN visibility.

The social PEN structure is an unobservable phenomenon which moves any structure in our relations with others directly or indirectly to inform change due to social PEN energy of (+-n). It cannot be seen but, sociologically be imagined. This is reminiscent of Charles Wright Mill’ s approach of sociological imagination, but the social PEN theory is distinct from Mills theorizing and has classification of variables into (P+,E- and N), (Charles Wright Mills, 1974; Taylor H. 1869, Durkheim and Mauss M, 1703).

Does it mean the social PEN structure exists? Yes, it does, as social reality, but not very apparent and the change is guided and reinforced by the N normative dynamics and supported by social PEN forces of (+-n). It is there as ‘objective reality’ and it is real because it has a structure as well as behaviour and components for classifications and characteristics for study. It has configuration as social class for the description of hierarchical status within a system in the society. For example, the social PEN theory can give sufficient description of caste system in Hindu society.

The social PEN theory can provide explanation on occupation and hierarchical positions in an organisation in relation to capacity and resource. The PEN structure plays different roles of social protoneous (p+) capital value of liquidity of a system for change in behaviour, the social electroneous (E-) to provide the role in defining individual resource to improve on man’s power for smooth production of material things in an industrial life, (Emile Durkheim, 1938, .Karl Marx, 1978, 1867], Talcot Parsons, 1937).

The social PEN structural theory of change is so powerful that it enables professionals such as a lawyer, psychiatrist and paramedic to further employ the social PEN structural analysis to determine the social causes of a problem associated with human and their line of argument and the extent of exposing the weakness right at invisibles atomic PEN structural stages of change.

For instance, in law practice, the accused or the defendant can win the case provided there is sufficient Protoneous P+ capital positive social value and Electroneous E- human resource value of appraisal and sponsor respectively.

Again, politicians stage campaign to talk to their electorate to win in their contest because they understand the directions of (+-) social PEN structural forces of (+-n) in politics, which they tactically transform to open up political opportunities against their opponents.

They recognize the fact that there is social PEN political structures such as the grassroots politics and value them as socially indivisible political structure and grassroots politicians as the local champion who are not visible at the upper level political platform as either parliamentarian or as governors in the government house.

Yet, they remain powerful as socially PEN indivisible cause of winning such elections. Any sociological analysis must begin with the social PEN structural analysis to inform the formation of other structures and to be projected to the macro stage by the PEN social forces of (+-n).

The social PEN structural theory of change holds that, individual members of the society carry social PEN energies (+-n) within them which make it possible for social relations and attraction with others, especially in our today’s world of high technological penetrations.

Man is reacting and counter reacting consciously and subconsciously to social PEN invisible structures built around technologies in his very social milieu to inform change in behaviour due to social PEN energies of (+-n). For instance, individual members of the society carry within them the social PEN energy of (+-n) which has relationship with his social milieu dominated by IT facilities that are preponderated in cities, urban semi and sub-urban areas.

The impact of such IT facilities on man’s behaviour, his relationships and decision may inform further actions or inactions that may affect his relationship with groups and others in the society.

The relationship of man to his ecosystem has social PEN invisible fundamentals which are significantly linked to his existence as human and the impact is high and socially immeasurable.

These dynamics may bring about relative change in structures around him with (P+E- and N) capacity for further change and development of mankind.

Man’s social milieu is severely polluted due to urbanisation and industrialization. The combustion from heavy duty machines releases socially PEN invisible charges and have consequential effect on our every day activities as human with capacity to change in our attitude, thinking and behaviour.

Also, there are effects of vibrations of waves and telecommunications equipment and installation such as 4G and 5G as man’s creation which has relationship with human activities in the society. All of these combine to have social PEN invisible forces for structural change with effects on individual social life in the society.

They are real in their social PEN indivisibility and the dynamics between man’s social activities and IT driven facilities, installation and equipment, developed to improve humanity has the potency of producing charges which bring about change and such socially PEN invisibles forces of (+-n). For instance, from mast signals, radio waves and similar frequencies and radioactive dissonance and mobile networks that are socially PEN invisible which change the behaviour of man with impacts are everywhere and significantly correlated with social, economic and political life of man.

That affects his environment and by extension influence to bring about structural change as well as change in human cells which affects and by implications modify our behaviour and relationship of man with other individual members of the society, be it positively (+) or negatively (-).

The social PEN structural theory of change was derived from the reflection of the properties of an Atom for description of man’s social life and it has social energies of (+-n) for calibration to bring about change. The social PEN structures exist through interactions within a social context and carry (+-n) values of social protoneous P+ (resource capital funding), social electroneous E-(human resource workforce) and the nutreneous N element (the social norm to define change and its direction as it plays catalytic role of a stabilizer for calibration and recalibration of the social energies to bring about structural change in the society to context and relative social equilibrium); (Talcott Parson 1961) (Parson, T. 1977) (ParsonT,1955).

The social PEN theory of structural change, has been tasted and proved to be sociologically stable and ontologically rooted for the explanation of change in human behaviour in the society through social PEN Structural analysis that is highly PEN invisible, visible and PEN indivisible, (Tanyintoo etal, 2011: pg16-2, Kankiya, 2013), (Karl Popper, 1959).

For instance, for any society to achieve significant milestone in structural change and to further indicate the direction of such development, it should configure and increase the frequency of the social PEN energy of (+-n) and that society must have perfect social PEN structural integration to inform subsequent change in the change chain. One level of structural analysis lower than the micro structure is missing and this is a huge sociological lacuna (gap) to suggest academic exercise of discovery like this one. It is called the social PEN structural analysis in progressive stage of changes, same as we have the macro structural analysis and the micro, there should also be the social PEN theoretical perspectives to issues and events in our analysis and the theory emerged from the weaknesses of structuralism: (Durkheim and Mauss, M, 1703), (August Comte, 1986).

There should be a newer level of structural analysis which exists as real and to be sociologically called the social PEN structural analysis which is utilised in sociological theorizing to mean social Atomic PEN structural level analysis to appear before any other classification because that structural stage is there and inherently built in any relations. It depicts progressive changes in the development chain.

For example, in sociological theorizing to follow as social PEN structural level analysis- to-micro structural analysis-to?middle range structural analysis and then to-macro structural level analysis as chain of constructs to inform analysis of a social phenomenon and that is ontology rooted: (Durkheim and Mauss, M, 1703), (August Comte, 1986).

In that case, the social PEN structure is the vehicle which drives the society forward and it can be described as the force which enables change in the society and institutions for social progress of man and his society, in some instances.

To have an all encompassing understanding of structural change, individual members of the society are to identify not only the social PEN structures, but should also establish the strength of the (+-n) to enable the society to discover social facts and direction about any existing social phenomenon in it.

Highly protoneous (P) positive capital endowed societies, the likes of African countries with enormous natural resources that are somewhat crude, require citizens with highly powerful electroneous (E-) (workforce with enormous manpower, enhanced technical know-how and expertise) to alter socio-economic and political life and to deal with structural issues at both social PEN invisible and PEN visibility stages of change chain to bring about positive (+) change.

Most developed nations around the world such as Britain, the United States of America (USA), France, Germany, Russia, Japan, China and South Korea among others are regarded as advanced nations and in a manner sui-generis in their development fundamentals, complexes and dynamic structures as nations to achieve purposeful advancement. Those countries achieved tremendous successes to better their life simply because they recognize the fact that a well integrated and socially.

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