Why Kwara Governor deserves second term

By Saka Laaro, Ilorin

Speakers at a town hall meeting organised by the Virtuous Elite Forum in Ilorin on Sunday highlighted the numerous achievements of the Kwara State Governor, AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq which should earn him a second term of office.

The speakers, including a university don, Prof Badmas Yusuf, Barr. Kunle Sulaiman, Dr Mohammed Ghali Alaaya, Hajia Bilikis Oladimeji, Mal Yunus AbdulKareem, Dr A.O Murana and Dr Q.O Nurudeen were unanimous in their submissions that Governor AbdulRazaq has restored the lost glory of the state and returned the state to the path of progress.

They all applauded the AbdulRazaq administration’s achievements in the civil service, education, health sectors, infrastructure and more importantly, youths and women empowerment.

The Chairman of the occasion, Barr. Kunle Sulyman said:“Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has invested too much on women and youths empowerment. Over 50 per cent of his cabinet members are women while the hitherto neglected youths now occupy very important positions in AbdulRazaq’s administration.”

Sulaiman urged the youths and women not to betray the trust the Governor has reposed on them, adding that they should work round the clock to re-elect the Governor in 2023.

He added, “Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq came to serve and not to make money. He came to serve Kwara. He has been tested with power and trusted. And it’s good to continue his good work beyond 2023. Youths and women should stand up for good governance in Kwara as exemplified by Governor AbdulRazaq.”

The representative of the Governor at the event and special adviser on Strategy, Alh Saadu Salahu, thanked the organisers for recognising the giant strides of the Governor in all sectors in the last three years.

He disclosed that the internal crisis in the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state had been amicably resolved.

Salahu added that the party is now united while it’s stakeholders are well prepared to repeat the feat of 2019 by winning the 2023 general elections with landslide in the state.

Earlier, the founder of the Virtuous Elite Forum, Hajia Mutiat Saro, had noted: “ Kwara was created about 55 years ago and it is on record that the state had been governed by many helmsmen since then. The style we are witnessing with the regime of Mal. AbdulRahaman AbdulRazaq is quite a class of its own. He is not obstructive, gentle, and frugal but quite effective. This has resulted in the unprecedented development in all spheres of life in the state.

“ It is in the light of the above that we have assembled seasoned public commentators to highlight the achievements of the Governor in the past three and a half years to show people that he is capable of doing it again if given another chance to preside over the affairs of the state for another four years.”

The Convener of the event, Hon. Bamidele Aluko later presented an award to the Governor in recognition of his outstanding performance.

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