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We are on the right path, remain calm, steadfast until victory comes — Obi tells Obidients



Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), has encouraged Nigerians to remain calm and steadfast in their journey of reclaiming their mandate of a New Nigeria, noting that he will never give up on the journey, until victory is achieved.

Obi explained that he never expected the journey to New Nigeria to be an easy one, saying that the forces who had, over the years, lived off the old order, were bound to fight back, as is being experienced now.  He said: “If they come at us through land, air and sea, we will respond to them through land, air and sea, but we will remain law abiding and will never give up on the nation.

“We are on the right path, and we will remain committed to the course.”

Obi made the remarks at the National Executive Council Meeting of the Labour Party held in Asaba on Tuesday. He reiterated his commitment to a “Nigeria that will be beneficial to every Nigerian.” He maintained that the struggle to reclaim the mandate was not about him as a person, but about millions of Nigerians who reposed their trust on him through their votes.

“The millions of Nigerians who voted for me did not just cast their votes, but they invested their hope in me. They deserve justice. So we must stay the course. And beyond regaining our mandate, I am committed to lifting people out of poverty. I remain committed to transforming Nigeria, starting from the North to every part of the nation,” Obi stated.

He further revealed that there may be more mudslinging on him from those who are against the emergence of the New Nigeria, but he said he would never be deterred by the obstacles along the way to victory.“I have always lived my life in the most law abiding manner possible. Sometimes, as humans, we make mistakes, but I will never knowingly break any law. I am, therefore, not afraid of the lies and propaganda against my person. They are part of the journey to a New Nigeria,” Obi concluded.


Gov Otti places N25m bounty on killers of soldiers in Aba



Amidst tension over military retaliation, the Abia State Government has placed a N25 million bounty on the killers who eliminated five soldiers at Obikabia junction, Ogbor Hill, Aba.

Unknown gunmen had on Thursday attacked the military checkpoint, killing five soldiers, burnt two patrol vans and the checkpoint.

The gunmen were alleged to have seized their rifles and escaped. In a statement by the Commissioner for Information, Prince Okey Kanu, the State government condemned the attack and commiserated with the Chief of Army Staff, Major General Taoreed  Lagbaja, and the Military High Command in the country for the unfortunate incident and pray for the peaceful repose of the soul of the gallant soldiers who died  while in active duty.

The statement read; “As a government committed to security, safety and peace within its territory at all times, the Abia State Government considers the event of Thursday, May 30, 2024 a serious affront to its resolve by criminal elements who are hell-bent on returning Abia to the dark days of insecurity and fear amongst citizens, especially in Aba, the economic heartbeat of the State. This is more regrettable in the light of the fact that unprecedented investments have been made in the last one year to restore the city’s public infrastructure and reposition it as an attractive investment destination for local and foreign businesses.

“The Government will therefore respond appropriately to reassure citizens, investors and friends of Abia across the world that it would be relentless in bringing the full wrath of the law to bear on anyone or group who constitutes the slightest threat to the peace and security of the land, whatever be their motivation.

“To underscore its resolve, the State Government is offering a N25 million (Twenty-five Million Naira) reward to anyone with useful information that could lead to the location and arrest of any of the criminals connected to the unfortunate killings, and the subsequent state of apprehension across the city of Aba and environs.

“The security formations in the State have been directed to treat informants with all the confidentiality required to guarantee their full cooperation and assistance until the criminals are fully apprehended and brought to book.”

Pledging to prioritize the welfare of the security operatives working in the state, the state government also promised to take up the responsibility of supporting the families of the slain soldiers, including payment of regular stipends to their spouses, and the education of their children to university level.

“The government appreciates the officers and men of the Nigerian Army in the State for maintaining high sense of professionalism in their response to the  distressing event. The State will also encourage our military and security personnel to continue to show restraint, whether at the checkpoints, on patrol, or while engaged in other security duties, even as the government continues to work with all relevant stakeholders, including the security high commands, traditional and community leaders to gather and process all intelligence information which will ultimately lead to the capture of the perpetrators of the heinous crime at Obikabia Junction, and anyone directly or remotely connected to it in any form.

“The Government wishes to use this medium to encourage citizens to go about their legitimate duties without fear as necessary measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of residents, and businesses in all parts of Abia. Individuals with useful information on the activities and movement of criminals in their neighbourhood are also advised to share such information with the security agencies as quickly as possible for necessary action,” the statement added.

The government further urged traditional rulers in the State to set up suitable local intelligence gathering mechanisms in their localities and share whatever new information they get with the security agencies regularly and vowed to bring the full weight of the law to bear on any traditional ruler found to be harbouring criminal elements.

The state government further pledged necessary support to the security agencies in the State to protect lives and property and warned criminal elements to consider all parts of Abia as a no-go area is still in force.

 “Any attempt to test the will of the government, as happened on Thursday, May 30, 2024, shall be resisted with every resource at the disposal of the State. Abia shall remain very hospitable and accommodating to all law-abiding citizens and those who engage only in legitimate businesses as defined by the laws of the federal republic of Nigeria while it shall continue to be a very hostile space for anyone whose actions or inactions, are capable of disrupting the peace and security of our communities,” it said.

Recall tension has risen in the State as the Army on Friday vowed to retaliate fiercely, while holding IPOB/ESN responsible for the attack.

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Nigeria immigration service laments non collection of 107, 646 passports



The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), has decried non collection of passports by applicants in the country, saying 107, 646 produced passports are awaiting collection.

This is just as it appealed to applicants whose passports have been produced to go for pick-ups at the various Passports Issuing Centres across the country.

Comptroller General of the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), Kemi Nanna Nandap in a statement on Friday by the Service Spokesman, Kenneth Udo, said: “However, efforts made at reaching out to the owners have proved abortive.”

She therefore advised applicants to always provide verifiable addresses and phone numbers when filling their online passport application forms for easy contact.

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Abba Kyari released after 27 months in Kuje prison



Former Commander of Force Intelligence Response Team, Abba Kyari, has been released from the Kuje Custodial Centre in Abuja.

This followed the ruling of a Federal High Court in Abuja that granted Kyari two weeks bail.

Granting the bail on May 22, 2024, Justice Emeka Nwite, said the two weeks would allow Kyari bury his mother who died on May 5

The suspended Deputy Commissioner of Police had spent 27 months behind bars.

However, the spokesperson of the FCT Command of the NCoS, Adamu Duza, said Kyari was released after meeting his bail conditions.

Speaking on Friday, Duza said, “DCP Kyari has perfected his bail conditions, and has since been released today.”

Kyari was detained following his arrest on February 14, 2022, by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency for alleged involvement with an international drug cartel.

Kyari, along with four members of the Police Intelligence Response Team—Sunday Ubia, Bawa James, Simon Agirigba, and John Nuhu—was arraigned on March 7, 2022.

Two suspected drug traffickers, Chibunna Umeibe and Emeka Ezenwanne, who were arrested at Akanu Ibiam International Airport in Enugu, were also charged.

But, while Kyari and the IRT members pleaded not guilty, Umeibe and Ezenwanne pleaded guilty and were convicted.

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