UNIABUJA: SUG reject school fees increment

The Students Union Government (SUG) of the University of Abuja (UNIABUJA) has denounced the decision of the school management to increase school fees to a “very unbearable level.”

In a press statement jointly signed by the institution’s SUG president, Comrade Emmanuel Anyantayo Emitayo and the speaker of the parliament, Comrade Muhammad Bahar, the students said the resolve of the school authorities to increase fees to such high percentage was “very disheartening and despicable.”

Bahar said the university’s action was absolutely “anti-human, which automatically depicts that they are against the interest and progress of Nigerian students.

Emitayo said the SUG under his leadership in agreement with all the students leaders and other stakeholders in UNIABUJA have given the management a five-day ultimatum to meet their demands for a quick downward review of the fees, by at least 50 per cent, instead of the current above 100 per cent increment.

“Second, to also make the payment to be in two batches, that is by making half payment in the first semester and the balance in the second semester,” he said.

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