Daniel 3 vs. 1-30
Beloved, God’s supremacy and power over other gods and carved images are unquestionable and cannot be denied by any mortal being. That is why your loyalty to Him alone is very important if you want Him to be solidly behind you all the days of your life. The enemy in his subtle way is always trying to make us derail from serving Him and to do things contrary to his will.
From the chosen text, Daniel 3 vs. 1-30, the enemy through King Nebuchadnezzar wanted to impose his gods on the people in the province of Babylon. He succeeded in his plans because all the elites, nobles, and other people in his kingdom had complied with his order except the three men who were Jews, who refused to bow down to the carved image of gold as instructed. After all, they knew that serving other gods was an abomination as it was against God’s commandment (Exodus 20 vs. 3-5). Their action was not an act against the king as they were accused of. They have only made up their minds to obey God Almighty rather than the king who is a mortal being. God justified their action by rescuing them to the shame of all their accusers. He also used the situation to reveal himself to the king who referred to the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as the only true God. Eventually, he bowed to the supremacy of the Most High God.
However, King Nebuchadnezzar did not force his people to serve the Most High God, because It is a matter of he who wills. He only told them the difference between the God of the three Jews and the other gods and his carved golden image in his kingdom. He referred to their God as the ‘Most High God, adding that there is no other god(s)that can deliver like Him. Joshua also did likewise ( Joshua 24 vs. 15,16, 22 – 24 ).
There are five points to take note of from this passage about these three Jews who were loyal to God
- God gave them victory over their enemies.
The three men who were Jews emerged victorious over their enemies because God intervened miraculously. The fiery furnace that was kindled seven times did not affect them as they were busy walking inside it instead of groaning. The plan of their enemies to kill and destroy became fruitless because they died a shameful death. Your enemies will fall into the pit they have dug for you in Jesus’ Mighty name. Amen.
- God promoted them after being faithful and loyal to him alone.
There is a great gain in being loyal to God alone even amid criticism as you cannot worship Him and Mammon. These three men ignored all the gods in Babylon and served only the true God. They stood firm for Him alone and they were promoted the second time (Daniel 3 vs. 30).
- God confirmed His supremacy over other gods and carved images
The God of the three Jewish men was identified by King Nebuchadnezzar as the only true God in his kingdom. He then gave them the liberty to worship their God and cautioned his people not to disturb or force them again to serve other gods. He added that whoever speaks against their God would not go unpunished ( Daniel 3 vs. 29). The appearance of the fourth person in the fiery burning furnace identified by the king as the “son of God serves as evidence that the three men were serving the true living God. The Bible says, “Those who know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits.’
- God confirmed to his loyalists (the three men) that they were not alone.
The three Jewish men were bold enough to declare before the king that they would not bow down to any graven image of gold even if their God would not rescue them (Daniel 3 vs. 16 – 18). God heard them and eventually cleared their doubt by making them come out of the burning fiery furnace harmless. He also proved to them that those who serve him wholeheartedly are not alone.
- God proved to the King that He has the power to determine who to kill and who to spare
King Nebuchadnezzar knew that it was the Most High God who spared his life when he moved near the burning fiery furnace where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were; when he saw four persons in it. The mighty men in his army who bound and threw them inside it died (Daniel 3 vs. 20 & 22) but he was alive to tell the story.
Beloved, Eternal Life begins by knowing the true God and His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, whom he has sent (John 17 vs. 3). It is your turn now to choose who you will serve, whether the true God or the other strange god(s) in the land. Shadrach, Mashach, and Abednego made the right choice before they died and they were not disappointed. May God help you to choose wisely in Jesus’ name. Amen
Remain blessed.
Written by
Evangelist Alatise Sunday
Founder, Zion’s Disciples Christian Evangelical Ministry
08055168819, 07083307581