The Social Atomic PEN Structural Theory of Change: Introduction (ii)

By Dr. Mustapha Bintube

We hear of mechanical and organic society and/solidarity as well as the Gemeinscheft and Gaselscheft, but we never heard of their possible directions in terms of their strength which suggest change contains the social PEN energy of (+-n).

This is a huge sociological lacuna (gap) in structural change for the development of the society and measuring the strength/direction as (+-n) values until the social PEN theory of change emerged from the weaknesses of structuralism. The facts behind the force which moves the society was explored by the sociological theory of Atomic PEN structural change to present as observations or reasoning containing the social energy of (+-n) which depicts the (P+) (E-) and (N).

They are dynamic actions, reasoning and the fact behind social facts or any social phenomenon all are the product of the social PEN structural forces of (+-n): (Durkheim and Mauss, M, 1703), (August Comte, 1986). With all sincerity of purpose and modesty, I bow on my Sociological knees for the modernist scholars, the likes of Durkheim, August Comte, Montesquieu and the rest of the 19th century philosophers. However, society remains dynamic and we must continue from where they stopped as a clarion call to the service of humanity.

The fact remains that, there is paucity of knowledge and social pitfalls which define sociological lacuna of the modernist scholars and the social theory of PEN structural change has been able to change the narratives by providing counter narratives to build into sociology as metanarrative for the description of social PEN structural change.

For example, private/public sector institutions would have nipped in the bud any social problem with enormous consequential effects on human if it has shown signs of escalation of any anti-social behaviour that are structurally social PEN invisible and are there in their indivisibility.

Humans are faced with problems around socio-economic and political issues which generate enormous consequential effects. For instance, social-health related cases as Corona Virus pandemic would have been controlled before they escalate. Those structures are at their social PEN invisible stage because we can hardly notice as they will be at their Atomic stage of PEN invisibility and indivisibility.

The theory of social PEN is telling us to check for those invisible structures that are highly Atomic in relation to health issues troubling members of the society. Those with health challenges are more likely to be consumed by corona virus than able bodied men and those who strictly adhere to social distancing standard are likely to be safe. Covid-19 would have been nipped in the bud and dealt with at social PEN invisible stage by restraining its escalation to its social PEN visibility. When it appears to be visible at Social PEN visibility, it will require colossal amount of social protoneous P+ capital funding in its management, coupled with enormous electroneous E- human resource around credible health care facilities for its control.

This may require role equivalent of PEN and configuration of both P+ and E- and the social norm N as society to calibrate and manage for the greater well-being and sustenance of a social system in particular and humanity in general.

To minimize the cost of controlling any Social PEN structural issues, we ensure perfect configuration of the social P+, E- and N for calibration of the human society. Epidemic that is highly contagious and pandemic like Covid-19 (corona virus), social and personal problem may be controlled at PEN structural stage of social PEN invisibility to ensure positive and healthier life of human society. (Postman, N. 1982) (Popper, 2005) “ (Putnam R. 1983) “ (Emile Durkheim 1938), (Skinner,B.F.1953), (Eric Hoffer, 1967).

Society is bound to face institutional crisis when social PEN structures are on the peripheral region lacking in overall and even integration of the social PEN energy of (+-n) to allow stabilization of the system. Change at the visible stage is attributed to differential in division of labour and its consequential effects on the volume and the density of societies. It occurs when the Social PEN elements are calibrated by the N element of social PEN theory and it happens in slow and then reach equilibrium. (Emile Durkheim, 1938) (Emile Durkheim, 1947) (Emile Durkheim, 1957).

When change transits to PEN visibility stage, the role of conscience commune, the rise of science, tradition, customs, rationality of law, morality, civilization and information technology IT would take account of change in human behaviour in the society and it has PEN (+-n) effects to indicate the directions of change. The social PEN effects have positive (+) social as well as negative (-) PEN consequential to suggest change and to indicate direction of any society undergoing change in structures. For instance, change due to social PEN structural visibility which generates what is referred to as Anomie conditions (Emile Durkheim, 1938), (Emile Durkheim, 1947) (Durkheim and Mauss, M, 1703), (August Comte, 1986).

Anomie can be examined under three sub-themes as, Anomie, Inequality and Inadequate social organization. Likewise, Comte stressed on crucial causal role of increased social density as activities of man in his very social milieu is potent to bring about change (August Comte, 1951).

Another angle to social PEN analysis is to examine the phenomenon of suicide which is classified into; social PEN Loneýÿpathological suicide; social PEN Molecular suicide; social PEN Elementary suicide; social PEN Composite suicide and social PEN indivisibility suicide. (Zimmermann, D.H, Wrender, D.L.1971) (Spencer H. 1971) (Gafinkel H. 1967) The theory believes that those who commit social PEN indivisible suicide are electroneously (E-) resource drained with negative social value of (E-) human resource. There is also social PEN hierarchical leadership structure among subcultural pluralism who were well organised with PEN formidability made up of three resourcefully powerful leader’ s structures to support suicide in subcultural group activities in both protoneous (P+) funding and Electroneous (E-) intelligence both as social PEN resources to enable suicide and its escalation. (Durkheim and Mauss, M, 1703), (August Comte, 1986).

When suicide occurs, the victim may face instantaneous elimination. Those around may become casualties and suffer for social PEN disintegration and that affects the passersby due to explosions and may be classified as victims of social PEN Alpha, social PEN Beta and social PEN Gamma victims in the sense of victimology. The hierarchy is made up of three distinct components of social protoneous with P+ positive social value of subcultural leadership support to the group activities with sufficient protoneous (P+) funding to sustain criminal activities connected to suicide. (Tanyintoo etal, 2011: pg16-2, Kankiya, 2013).

The social electroneous (E-) negative social value to play the role of human resource element to ensure intelligence support to supplement the (P+) capital funding to ensure crime of suicide is committed. However, the Neutronous (N) social value as the social norms is to calibrate the (P+) and the (E-) to ensure suicide or to expose suicide by pathologically exposing those Atomic structures to macro stage before the occurrence of such crime.

The framework has provided support for sufficient contemporary examples and description of social PEN structures that are Atomic in nature with the strength of social forces of (+-n) to determine change and to indicate possible direction of individual behaviour in the society and its causal effects to other social PEN structural fundamentals. The social PEN Structural theory of change enables description of both visible macro stage analysis at institutional level and to some larger extent, invisible structures at social PEN structural level and their interpretation is possible in their inverse form (+-n) through social interactions among members of a society as well as their relation to objects within the ecosystem as indivisible in their social existence as real and sacrosanct. (Rex J. Moore, R. 1967), ( Zimmermann, D.H, 1971).

For example, the least developed nations of Africa, require a population that is well grounded with tremendous social electroneous (E-) capacity to exploit those resources to support structural alteration that would guarantee institutional integrity and formidability in social, economic and political institutions for projection of society to social PEN structural progression for change. This is only enabled by the social PEN forces of (+-n) to bring about the desired structural change and the role of social Neutroneous as societal norms and calibre ensuring relative calibration at interval of socio-economic and political activities for slow equilibrium of the institutional dynamics for positive change.

The social PEN theory debunked the notion that, a nation’s protoneous (P+) capital generated through enhanced gross domestic product (GDP), wooing foreign direct investment (FDI) to improve on internally generated revenues (IGR) for development of institutions and by implications to improve on human capital as the social protoneous (P+) base for economic prosperity of a nation for structural change and advancement of the common good of all are achieved with hierarchical power and leadership to govern and run affairs of development institutions, with the exception of checking the population to ensure( E-) configuration, are the only things that can ensure structural change. The social PEN structural theory of change argues that, change may not take place independent of a country’ s population being improved to be electroneously (E-) charged citizens to manage policies, laws, rules, programmes and projects for change to occur. No significant milestone can be achieved for posterity if the populations are not considered as the number one target for social empowerment as they remain the drivers for social progress.

The social PEN theory also debunks the notion and holdsthe belief that no meaningful structural advancement could be attained at both social PEN invisible stage and social PEN visible stages without active participation of the members of the society. Not only their participation is required but they also need to play social PEN role equivalent to compete with the rest of the population across nations in terms of resource for change and social progress of individuals in the society.

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