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The secret in deliverance — Prophet Wasinuola

Deliverance is said to be a way which problems/challenges either spiritual or physical is being solved or overcome in human life. Every problem that a man faces has a spiritual force backing them up and without a thorough deliverance, there won’t be freedom from such problems (Luke 4 vs 35-36). Here Jesus sent out an unclean spirit. What this paragraph is teaching us is that we have different types of unclean spirit that cannot be mentioned. Before you can set free from these spirits, you must be aware and accept that you have a problem and be ready to be set free.

Sign of recognition of unclean spirits

Some people have unclean spirits which they may not be aware of.  We would mention some on how to know if you have unclean spirit or you have a battle you are fighting in your life which you are unaware of. Below are those spirits:

There are different signs in which we cannot mention here. Some of the sign of the work of unclean spirit includes:

The chief head of these unclean spirits under the sea and is called ‘LANVIATHAN’ Job 4:1

LANVIATHAN is more powerful than Mermaid. These spirits receive their power from ‘’LANVIATHAN’’ and designate each of them to different places with different names e.g Asibate.

The only way out for you is to be born again (John 3:3). Accept Jesus Christ as your lord and personal saviour today (John 3:16). For further enquiries get my books and vedio CD at Rest in Christ Gospel Ministry, 7 Rest in Christ close Teledalase Kajola, Ifo, Ogun State.

Sunday service 8am – 11am. Prophet A.J Wasinuola, (A.K.A Baba Ifokanbale)

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