The everlasting God
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting god, the lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable (Isaiah 40 vs. 28 NKJV)
Beloved, the most interesting thing about God is the everlasting nature that is synonymous with Him alone. This everlasting nature was extended to man in the Garden of Eden willingly, free of charge and out of genuine love. Due to the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the great privilege was lost. Again, God in His infinite mercy initiated the move to restore this everlasting nature back to mankind by sending His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to the earth to die for your sins and mine (John 3 vs. 16). This is only for those that are ready to accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour, ready to forsake their sins and abide by His sound teachings. It is therefore necessary and expedient to mention and explain some of the everlasting nature and qualities of God.
The name of the owner and controller of the heaven and earth is the same from generation to generation (Psalms 90: 1-2), how He is called by different tribes, ethnic groups or nationality notwithstanding.
The kingdom of this world is ephemeral. It can be overthrown by a superior personality or power, but the kingdom of God cannot be moved (Hebrews 12 vs. 28). Satan tried it and he failed. God’s kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting and He rules over all (Psalm 103: 19).
The Almighty cannot lie. The truth in His word is settled forever and from generation to generation (1 peter 1 vs. 23, Psalms 100 : 5). No addition or subtraction is permitted in His words (Proverbs 30 vs. 5-6, Revelation 22 vs.18-19). God’s words must be delivered with boldness and without fear as it is in the Bible. Likewise, His mercy is everlasting only for those who fear Him in words and indeed (Psalms 103 vs. 17).
God cannot share His glory with anybody. When the heavens opened, Stephen saw the glory of God and Jesus Christ standing at His right hand. He stood in order to reference the Glory of the Almighty (1Timothy 1 vs. 17). In addition, the entire great exploit made by Jesus on earth in words and in deeds (healings ,miracles, signs and wonders) were to the Glory of God the father alone. No wonder He was referred to as the brightness of God’s glory (Hebrews 1 vs. 2). When King Herod tried to share in His glory, an angel smote him and thereafter he was eaten by worms (Act 12 vs. 21 – 24). This glory of God cannot be compared with that of this world.
Furthermore, Satan also took Jesus Christ to the pinnacle of the mountain after fasting for forty days and forty nights, he showed and promised to give Him all the kingdoms of the world and its glory which were not created by him, if only He could bow down to worship him. Jesus Christ refused to bow down to things and glory of this world (Matthew 4 vs. 8-11). All these things are what the devil is using to draw brethren away from God’s Kingdom today. They believe that when these things are possessed, they have seen the glory of God. In contrast, when Peter and John experienced the Glory of God on the mount of transfiguration they did not want to leave His presence again. They forgot everything that pertains to this world. God’s glory is always experienced in His presence and cannot be quantified in monetary or material form. The heavens also declare the glory of God (Psalms 19 vs. 1).
Also, God honours His words above His name (Psalms 138 vs. 2). Jesus Christ proclaimed the word of God in truth and in deed and He was highly honoured even above the angels (Hebrew 1 vs. 4, Philippians 2 vs. 8 -11). God sent Jesus Christ to the earth to restore to mankind the glory and honour lost in the garden of Eden as a result of sin.
The Almighty God cannot die. He lives forever. He has been before the creation of the earth and He will continue to be forever. His everlasting existence is unquestionable. In fact King David exhibited some reservations against those who did not believe in the existence of God in his lifetime (Psalms 14 vs. 1). Jesus Christ is also enjoying this everlasting nature and qualities of God (Hebrews 13 vs. 8),
The bible says, ‘By strength shall no man prevail.’ This simply means there is a limit to what you can achieve with your physical strength in life. All the battles won by David were through God’s everlasting strength which he even acknowledged in his lifetime and blessed Him for. God’s strength in him overpowers his enemies and guarantees victory all the time (Psalms 144:1 KJV). His angels also excel in strength (Psalms 103 vs. 20). In the same vein we also discovered from the above scripture that our God never faints. The extent of His strength and power on the battle field against the enemy cannot be measured by human’s wisdom (Psalms 110 vs. 2, Isaiah 40 vs. 29 – 31). God’s strength has enough capacity to subdue people and nations under your feet regardless of their number (Psalms 47 vs. 3). His strength and power destroyed all the inhabitants of the earth and their gods in the days of Noah when they refused to comply with his instructions and warnings. God has also given us a name, Jesus Christ, through which we can do all things and also prevails over situation and circumstances. Apostle Paul confirmed it ( Philippians 4 vs. 13).
It must however be noted that what you have is for your enjoyment in this world alone before they are transferred to whoever pleases God when you die. God’s ultimate desire for you is to inherit everlasting life (John 3 vs. 16). That has been His desire for man from creation even till now. This everlasting life is not meant for sinners (Galatians 5 vs. 19 – 20). Don’t just pass through this world without aspiring to be in the place your maker is expecting you to be on the last day, which Jesus Christ has gone to prepare for those who believe in Him and do the will of God the father. A crown of glory has also been reserved for you in God’s kingdom. You will not miss it in Jesus name. Amen.
Beloved, you have now been told about this everlasting God and His ultimate desire for you. Do not hardened your heart. The everlasting life God promised through His son, Jesus Christ is presently being enjoyed by Him as He is seated at His right hand. You cannot afford to miss this second salvation opportunity given to mankind. Moreover, it cost you nothing to believe in the name of Jesus Christ and forsake your sins. The blood of bull, goat and other sacrifices are no longer acceptable for the remission of sin. Jesus Christ has paid the price once and for all (Hebrews 10 vs. 4 – 14). Be prepared for His second coming. Repent and forsake your sins. Also compliment your effort by attending the bible study and prayer meeting of your church. Peradventure you do not have a place of worship, attend a bible believing church in your vicinity.
Remain blessed.