The disappearing act: How my husband changed after marriage

A few months ago, I married my husband after dating for a while. During our courtship, he was always smiling and seemed very close to his siblings. He showered me with affection and care, even before I had to ask for it. I was overwhelmed by the love he showed me and believed he would make a wonderful husband.

However, things changed drastically after our wedding. My husband became distant, spending most of his time alone and appearing disinterested in our conversations.

He would come home, eat, and go straight to bed without much interaction. The only time he seemed happy was when we were intimate. I asked him if I had done something to upset him, but he assured me it was the pressure of providing for our new family that was affecting him.

I never played hard to get during our courtship, so I am unsure why he has changed so much. Additionally, I have noticed some qualities in him that I never saw before we got married.

I once jokingly mentioned that he had changed, and he admitted that he had tried so hard to give me everything I wanted because he didn’t want to lose me, as I am a pretty girl. Now that we are married, it feels like our relationship has changed.

My partner no longer puts in the same effort as before, and I can’t help but question if their love for me has diminished. I wonder if they only married me because of external pressures, like their age or their parents’ expectations.

Lately, my partner has been snappy with me, which is a behaviour I haven’t seen before. It’s as if there is a barrier between us that I can’t seem to break through. Being at home with them leaves me feeling depressed and disconnected. I apologize for any confusion in my previous message. I’m just unsure if this is what marriage is supposed to be like.

If any married individuals have experienced something similar, I would appreciate any advice or insight to help me adjust my mindset to this new change because everything now looks as if I am a total stranger married to myself.

It’s so surprising to witness the defiant act of my husband. It was this act that made me believe the saying that anybody can change if they are not committed in a relationship. But, I still have trust that God always knows the best.

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