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The colours of love

By Chidinma Promise

The new year 2021 was ushered in with a new strain of the COVID-19 virus and surprisingly, anew high level of anticipation and yearning for February 14 also known as Valentine’sDay, or as traditionally perceived by us, Lovers’ day. This anticipation, I believe, is a survival tactic, a way to live throughthe pandemic-induced loneliness; be it via Zoom, Take-out or a fancy restaurant with appropriate socialdistance protocols.

Realized from yearly celebrations, elaborate and in-elaborate, there are specific colors constantlyattached to the day, for reasons best known to the universe and generations past. From thepopularly used colours to the least, here are a few outfit tips to help you stay self-true, occasionready, fashionable and virus-free this Valentine:

As Courtesy demands, Ladies first;

  1. Red: Despite being the most popular colour used as a medium of expression during theValentine season, a lot of people tend to wear it all wrong by pairing too many itemstogether. How about sticking with just
  1. White: As antsy as the thought of wearing this colour makes me, popular actions duringthe Valentine season has made it the second most used color during the season. Whenchoosing to wear white this season, it is advisable that you choose based on the fabricused in creating the attire and its shade. Personally, I advise sticking to an all-whitesandal heel with a crotchet inclined butterfly dress or a lace letter dress, knee lengthor above. These items help give more of a relaxed, sexy and breezy feel to the colourwhite.
  2. Baby Pink: Although highly unpopular amongst people during the season of love, babypink is a highly sophisticated and romantic color. In fabrics like satin, lace, scuba or acute little chiffon dress, every lady can knock the world off its heels wearing baby pinkon Valentine’s day.
  1. Black: My ultimate/favorite color is season evolutional. Nothing screams love better thana sequence mini black dress, off shoulder maxi black dress or a casual blacktransparent shirt dress with a pair of jean short shorts to match (for indoor lovers).These looks can be crowned wearing your complexion fitting shade of red lipstick andvoila! Perfection.

Gentlemen, you are also very much a part of the Valentine celebration and can stick to the Coloursof love too by using these outfit items as guidelines to slay on February the fourteen:

  1. Red: In place of a red shirt and red trouser worn together, how about giving a red tie achance E.g. a white shirt paired with grey trousers and a red tie (with a black blazer,optional)

For traditional Saturday party attendees, a red agbada with black inner and trousers will help youslay top notch at that owambe.

  1. Baby Pink: Putting societal misconceptions aside,baby pink has a very classy and sexy effect on both Male and Female. As a guy, it makes you pheromone friendly puttingon a baby pink shirt paired with a pair of jean trousers and brown belt or white/black formaltrousers.

Be sure to crown it all up with your favorite perfume, nose mask and hand sanitizer.

Love safely and fashionably.

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