Thanks to Umar Namadi, a Greater Jigawa is possible

By Umar Akilu Majeri, Dutse

Governor Malam Umar Namadi is a governor of many strides among others in infrastructural development, education, health delivery services, security outfits and in the agricultural sector.

Since the creation of Jigawa State in 1991, the state has experienced various styles of leadership, yet Umar Namadi stands out, having the fate of the state ever in his heart. His dreams are full of development and the growth of his people regardless of class or political affiliation.

It is for this reason and zeal to lift Jigawa out of poverty that has pushed his administration to execute various projects that have a direct impact on the common man.

Such projects executed by the Namadi Administration include the closet farming, where thousands of youth farmers were engaged in farming activities in the state, not to mention the women groups women groups also engaged in Agricultural business which include poultry and goat rearing, especially in the rural areas.

This, he did, with a view to elevate the living conditions of people especially those who are most vulnerable to poverty, according to his 12-point agenda.

Regarding healthcare, Governor Umar Namadi has introduced a free health care package to all pregnant women and children under five years of age in all 27 local government areas of the state.

Education is not left out as his administration has created so many projects which make a serious impact  right from primary schools to all tertiary institutions in the state. These include employment of J Teachers to permanent Teachers, purchase of teaching aids, provision of school uniforms to pupils of primary schools free of charge. He also renovated various secondary schools, colleges and equipped them with instructional materials all to achieve the desire objective of quality education in the state.

Technical education is not sidelined in bid to be Western-centric. The state has encouraged the youth to acquire various skills to promote the entrepreneurial spirit and improve its economy.

In the area of economic empowerment, despite the hyperinflation plaguing the country, Jigawa under Umar Namadi has improved thanks to establishment of various empowerment programmes which greatly assisted in empowering various youth with financial support to become self-reliant.

Namadi’s administration has also agreed to collaborate with relevant stakeholders and agencies in the attainment of his 12-point agenda to actualise a Greater Jigawa, which will improve the general welfare and security of the state.

As part of his agenda of industrialization, he has succeeded in wooing 50 companies for investment in the state which include agro business and mining sector. It should be noted that one of the factors responsible for this success, according to the companies, is that Jigawa is one of the most peaceful states in the country.

Umar Namadi is a silent achiever, but thankfully, the good works speak. His track record reveals a man who believes in quality and progress, as well as productivity founded on integrity, all for the benefit of those he leads. Unsurprising then, the level of respect that he commands among the masses. So trusted, he has acquired the epithet Mallam.

By the end of this tenure, the people of Jigawa will be grateful for God’s hand upon their lives in the form of Umar Namadi, whose passion for development will terraform the state into a site of impressive economic development and growth.

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