Taiwan Excellence curates $150,000 grant for entrepreneurs,change makers

…launches Global #SharingisCaring campaign

Taiwan Excellence is set to disburse funds to individuals globally who will develop creative initiatives utilizing Taiwan Excellence products and services to propose innovative solutions, and implement them in their home countries to specifically aid the local environment and society.

Taiwan Excellence is an awards program celebrating and promoting top Taiwanese companies and products around the world, organized by Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA).

In a press statement,Taiwan Excellence noted that this will further demonstrate how much importance Taiwanese enterprises and Taiwan Excellence attach to environmental sustainability and social responsibility, as well as showcasing their active attitude towards participation.

Taiwan Excellence will select the three best proposals from all the global entries. Those making proposals will receive a bonus of $10,000 and an execution stipend of  $150,000 per case, in order for good ideas to be fully implemented.

The activity will officially launch on September 1st and the organization is inviting individuals around the world to participate to show their creativity and ingenuity, and actively come up with proposals to make kindness a reality.

“An individual’s abilities may be limited, but by participating in this proposal activity, Taiwan Excellence will assist you in realizing your dreams,”the organisers noted.

“Sharing is Caring, Taiwan Excellence” is the first global cross-year large-scale charity event organized by TAITRA. The themes of this event will be “Social Concern” and “Environmental Protection,” combined with Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG).

The well-known Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, who has been concerned with climate change since she was a young child, was able to grow and spread her first simple idea, from an essay competition in local newspapers. As huge numbers of people globally embraced her ideals; the world began to face the issue of climate change head-on. Another example is Ms. Chen Shu-chu from Taitung, Taiwan. She provided public welfare without asking for recognition by taking the proceeds from selling vegetables to help build schools and libraries, thereby facilitating urgent relief for her community. Their common philosophy is to do one’s best to change society and make the world a better place. We believe in every corner of the globe there are people who care about social welfare just like they do!

This event was sponsored by 29 Taiwan Excellence enterprises during the short period of fundraising. The participating businesses include many well-known listed companies in Taiwan, while many are only small and medium-sized enterprises involved in fields such as medical care, intelligent machinery, metals, transport, information and communication technology, as well as sports and household equipment among others. It is clear that Taiwanese companies are emphasizing and committing to ESG and they have enthusiastically sponsored this event.

Taiwan Excellence held an international press conference at the “Sharing is Caring, Taiwan Excellence” global charity event on August 11. The press conference invited Mr. Ramon, director of the SM Foundation, a leading retail-industry company in the Philippines, and Mr. Onno, an Indonesian educational philanthropist, to participate via video connection and share their views on long-term commitment to public welfare activities, as well as express their support for the charitable goals of “Sharing is Caring, Taiwan Excellence”. In addition, Minister without Portfolio Tang Feng (Audrey Tang), representatives of many countries with diplomatic connections to Taiwan (such as Nauru, Eswatini, etc.), public welfare organizations, and internet celebrities from Vietnam, Honduras, India, South Korea and other countries, have all expressed support and agreement with the concept behind this activity through videos. The press conference was also simultaneously broadcast live, spreading the message to the world and calling on people from around the globe to participate in this meaningful event.

“Sharing is Caring.” Starting with Taiwan will empower a global circle of goodwill through “One idea, one share, letting love last forever.” People from all backgrounds are welcome to actively promote and share, and submit their proposals. Proposal registration runs from September 1st to October 31st.

Further details can be found on the event’s official website: https://share-care.taiwanexcellence.org

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