Diamond Publishing

Secrets to Building a Winning

Author:           Andrew Griffiths Publisher:        Diamond Publishing Reviewer:         Goke Ilesanmi Andrew Griffiths, the author of this book entitled “Secrets to Building a Winning Business”is a professional marketing consultant, as well as a director of an Australian…

101 Ways to Really Satisfy Your Customers

Author:           Andrew Griffiths Publisher:        Diamond Publishing Reviewer:        Goke Ilesanmi This week, we are reviewing another book in Andrew Griffiths’ 101 Series.It is said that customers are the most powerful chief executive officers who can fire all the…

101 Ways to Boost Your Performance

Author:           John Fenton Publisher:        Diamond Publishing Reviewer:        Goke Ilesanmi Constant performance assessment is very important for individuals and corporate organisations that are passionate about long-lasting success. It is also a must for people and organisations that are…