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Speaker Abbas defends the contentious subversion bill and vows to ensure transparency

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, has addressed the rising concerns about the “Counter Subversion Bill, 2024 (HB. 1652),” which he introduced. This response follows various media reports regarding the bill’s purpose and implications.

In a statement issued by his media aide, Musa Krishi, on Wednesday, Speaker Tajudeen acknowledged the public’s interest in the bill and its impact on national security. He stressed the importance of clarifying the bill’s intent and the legislative process to ensure accurate public understanding.

The statement highlighted that the Counter Subversion Bill was introduced in the House of Representatives on July 23, 2024, and is currently in the introductory stage, awaiting detailed legislative review. The bill aims to enhance Nigeria’s anti-terrorism measures by targeting subversive activities by various groups, including militias, cults, and other proscribed entities, similar to legislation in countries like the UK, Spain, and Canada.

Speaker Tajudeen welcomed robust public engagement and discussions on the bill, emphasizing that public concerns and suggestions are vital for shaping the final legislation. He outlined the legislative process, noting that the bill will undergo a series of parliamentary procedures, including a Second Reading where its merits will be debated. If it passes this stage, it will be reviewed by a relevant committee, which will hold a public hearing to gather citizen input before reporting back to the House.

Following the committee’s report, the bill will proceed to a Third Reading. If approved, it will go to the Senate for concurrence and, if passed, to the President for assent. The President can either sign the bill into law or withhold assent.

Speaker Tajudeen reassured Nigerians that the bill is intended to serve national security interests and is not aimed at any specific group. He emphasized the transparency and inclusivity of the legislative process, ensuring that public input will be integral to the bill’s development.

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