Southern Kaduna: Time to leave the shore of condolence to proactive response mechanisms

Security turbulence in Nigeria has remained a subject of sour distaste in Nigeria. The deepening conditions recently have seen extensive rots of unleashing terrors on the various parts of the Country. As insecurity appears to have become localised in various versions with peculiar characters across regions and zones, their effects have in all ways left the Country in discordance.

The profile of security blows have taken dimensional forms across regions in the Country, and more particularly, within decentralised configurations. While the North-east has been known to be ridden with the turbulence of terrorist insurgencies, the North-west has recently been engulfed with the claws of banditry. The South-south, Southern-east and South-west have continued to have their peculiar security challenges with heightening impostures of kidnapping, arm robbery, ritual killings, rising Fulani’s herdsmen crisis, among others; just as the North-central is also facing rising tension of banditry.

As no part of the Country can be said to be free from the turbulence of insecurity, it is perceivable that the subject of insecurity profile by regions, and in more decentralised fashion within States, have become of degree. Even within State entities, insecurity scourge are well localised by degrees across parts within State jurisdiction. Among others, one state in the Country typically suffering such character of challenges by entity-divide is Kaduna. In the State, is a part, Southern Kaduna, which has been troubled with insecurity crises. Challenges before the residents in the zone have seen mayhem of herdsmen struggling against indigenous settlers. Religious crisis in the Christian dominated zone has been a case of concern. Recently, worsening has been the extending tentacles of banditry.

Crises in Southern Kaduna has been deep seated. Way back July 2020, waves of deadly attacks in restive Southern Kaduna communities recorded gunmen killing at least 43 people between July 21 to 24 and 178 people were killed in seven months to July 31, 2020. The State governor, Nasir el-Rufa’i had claimed the attacks were carried out by armed bandits terrorising the Northwest. However, local intelligence   linked the attacks to a militia targeting southern Kaduna communities on ethnic grounds.

It is known that the zone predominantly Christian and home to some 30 ethnic groups, has seen relations between the Hausa-Fulani and communities in southern Kaduna tense, stemming particularly from competition over resources, including land, and political control, occasioning struggles for supremacy. Claims of politically motivated banditry, revenge killings, and mutual violence by criminal gangs have been noted. Outcries over inability of the government to address heightening tension of attacks on indigenous settlers have left soar narratives.

An attack on Sunday 20th, March, 2022,  in the zone in Kaura Local Government Area, LGA, as at Tuesday, 22, March, 2022 was confirmed by the Kaduna State Government to have hit a death toll of 34, including two military personnel as victims. A statement by the State’s Commissioner, Ministry of Internal Security and Home Affairs, Kaduna State, Samuel Aruwan, named the four locations attacked by unidentified assailants as Tsonje, Agban, Katanga and Kadarko, all within Kagoro Chiefdom of Kaura LGA. According to the statement, “Two military personnel were among the 34 killed, with local residents making up 32 casualties.”

The 32 locals killed are listed as “Angelina Aboi, Godiya Iliya, Peace Iliya, Stephen Emmanuel,- Patrick Pius, Gwamna Ishaya, Philip Joseph, Godwin Latong, Aba Chawai, Nancy Luka, Sophia Luka, Hosea James and Daniel Sofa,Geoffrey Ado, Bala James, Henry Dauda, Augustine Iliya, Irmiya Michael, Murna Luka, Monday Buki, Reuben Kumai, Zilien Gudak, Anita Dauda Kawai, Rifkatu Dauda Kawai,  Titi Bawa, Jacob Yayock, Samuel Ufui, Silas Bulus, Victor Ayuka, Jummai Yunana, Sunday Tachio and  Hope Luka.

“Seven people were injured and are receiving treatment. They are  Ndau Abba, Mani Luka, Habila Sambo, Ibrahim Daniel, Julius Tachio, Rose Sunday and  Sadunga Kamai. One Mrs Abigail Joshua from Adan community, is currently missing. Furthermore, over 200 houses and 32 shops were burnt in the attack. Three vehicles and 17 motorcycles were vandalized,” the statement read.

Condemning the recent attack,  Governor Nasir el-Rufa’i was reported to have send condolence again to the families of those killed, as he wished the injured a quick recovery. It is no doubt that the killings had further recorded breakdown of law and order, leaving a sensation of anarchy. A statement quoting the Governor had read partly: “The Kaduna State Government enjoins all residents to carefully observe the 24-hour curfew in force in the area. The curfew was declared on the advice of security agencies to prevent the escalation of violence. Security reports revealed that criminals took advantage of the chaos to wreak havoc of their own. A bus was attacked by a mob in Agban, and the conductor was killed. Similarly, some places of worship were torched as tension rose in Kafanchan.”

The normative disposition of always resorting to apologies, sympathy and condolence over gruesome killings and unfortunate unleashing of terrors have not served any part of the Country well. The revolving sensations have only left heightening profile of insecurity scourge in the Country, at a worsening state of record. That insecurity within this disposition has become an albatross in the Country is no gainsaying. The case of killings in Southern Kaduna which has predated the recent escalation of bandit operations in the Country is one of top concern.

It has become of necessity that the State authorities should beyond the shores of appeals, apologies, condolence as responses to incessant attacks, move to raising proactive structures to responsively address the scourge threatening the zone. This is essential to address the flagrant unleashing of terrors with extending wings of insecurity mayhem in the State and other parts of the Country. Disposition of docility of only resting in giving condolences to victims of gruesome attacks have left a sensation giving a seeming posture of emboldening mischievous charlatans hell bent on unleashing terrors on harmless citizens with impunity. The narratives have to change. The government from all levels must rise to the task with all sense of responsiveness, which is central among the duties they owe to protect lives and properties as elected representatives of the people.

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