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Slow and Steady, Governor Gboyega Isiaka Oyetola

Always bear in mind that your  own resolution to succeed is more important than any other — Abraham Lincoln

By folarin lawal (FL)

Meanwhile, to some schools of thought, Alhaji Gboyega Isiaka Oyetola is just a snail-paced governor while other schools of thought do not see it from that perspective but conned from the lenses of the above assertion that governor Oyetola is only being systematic in his approach to governance having resolutely determined  to record success under a halcyon atmosphere and indeed, when determination exists, failure can never dismantle the flag of success firmly erected on the sand of time.Therefore, Mr governor is discerned to be working in the capacity to set the thames on fire in the state by toeing the path of slowing and steadying as slow and steady wins the race.

Sincerely, the thought of every right thinking individual in any given task is success accomplishment. This is because of the fact that when the success is accomplished, it is extolled and the house is brought down at the attainments of man and for eons to come, it retains in the memory to address the saying that whoever does not want to be forgotten in life must do what worth writing and write what worth reading. Meanwhile, however, to make the success realizable, all the necessary ingredients are sourced, accommodated and utilized.That perhaps, could have prompted the governance druther of Alhaji Isiaka Oyetola, the executive governor  having settled to hit it big. With his slowing and steadying technique in piloting the affairs of the state of Osun, it is observed that the state is silently being gripped for the development of mammoth dimensions through assiduous planning in turning the state around effectively all for the betterment of the lives of the people.

No doubt, Alhaji Gboyega Isiaka Oyetola is a perfect gentle man by nature. A man of high calibre so to say and of impregnable integrity. A man who is seen to have had the strength without brutality, knowledge without pedantry and compassion without sentimentality. His gentle character is undisputedly reflecting in the affairs of the state as things are gently moving on slowly and steadily. He is a true democrat, a strategist and effective organiser, a rigorous logician and neat thinker. By his nature, he is gently and silently budging Osun to a greater height through his myriads of developmental projects across the state. It could be recalled that Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, his predecessor had once affirmed while describing the personality of Alhaji Isiaka Oyetola as ‘a silent achiever’ and this affirmation was made during one of his usual program then, ‘Till the Day Break’

Apparently, governor Oyetola took the mantle of leadership when the state was financially unsound. The dearth of fund effectuated a widespread expectation of failure and most especially, from the oppositions in the state. But interestingly, being an expert in financial management, a goal getter and a boardroom guru, governor Oyetola is making headway as the state is experiencing onrush of development without any trammel despite the paucity of fund he inherited. That he kept trying, hoping to prove all those doubting Thomases wrong by gingerly sorting things out as for his expertise in financial management.

And truly, when we observe modus operandi of governor Oyetola, it could be agreed upon without any iota of doubt that the style is working out for good as he is living up to his electoral promises through his systematic approach in the saddle of responsibility. Retrospectively, during his campaign in 2018, Alhaji Oyetola promised to strictly abide by the doctrine of Abraham Lincoln, the father of Democracy by running the government of the people by the people and for the people and he was heard to have said that the welfare of the people of Osun and most especially, the workforce is sacrosanct as enshrined in Section 14 of the Nigerian constitution that “security and welfare of the people shall be the primary responsibility of the government”. And the fulfillment of the promises is barefacedly attracting considerable public attention.

Having promised to run government of the people, governor Oyetola had been action justificatory in this regard through his systematic approach in reviewing some policies in the state as demanded by the people of Osun. However, this action needs not be distorted for any reason since it was a collective responsibility in the past but rather it should be understood from the perspective of the fact that it has addressed the truth of the imperfection of man where to err is human. And what a great and divine opportunity in earning laurels for the past and the present!

Since his administration came into being, there is no doubting the fact that the state is developing and everywhere in the state is feeling the presence of the government of Alhaji Isiaka Oyetola through exudation of dividends of democracy. His system of  governance, slowing and steadying is seen to be burgeoning. It has proven beyond reasonable doubt that, there is much to achieve in slowing and steadying than to hasten things unnecessarily because anything does in a rush will never be done well. Through Herculean task of Mr governor and as a financial manager, he is managing the resources optimally to chalk up meaningful development in the state.The sustainability and prompt payment of full salaries of the Osun state workers of all grades, the political office holders and also, the pensions and the pension arrears from the inception of the administration hitherto, in spite of the meagerness of fund is an evidence of prudence and accountability being exercised

Without twisting fact, governor Oyetola is systematically building on the legacy of his predecessor through reconstructions and rehabilitations of roads across the state so as to pave way for good road network. Provision of infrastructural facilities across the state. He concerns so much on the economic alchemy of the state where exertion is seen tremendously on agriculture, mining, tourism and other areas to augment the Internal Generated Revenue (IGR) of the state. Education sector is receiving adequate attention. Renovation of 332 Primary Health Centers (PHCs) across the state. As part of his efforts so far, governor Oyetola is working upon the state economy viability by wooing the investors into the state.

By all standards and without creating a mountain out of a molehill, Alhaji Isiaka Oyetola is doing well with his choice of governance. He is showcasing the real talent of insurance manager in him through systematic turning around effectively the state for the benefits of the generality. He is seen to be much of leaving a good legacy to whoever comes after him so that the standard left behind is duly followed. Slowing and steadying is without any gainsaying, yielding positive results in the state in all its ramifications and to every Dick and Harry, Alhaji Isiaka Oyetola, the Executive governor, state of Osun is performing to the expectations when looking at the way things are moving on progressively in the state in slowing and steadying manner.

As it occurs to the writer from developmental point of view, the Osun inhabitants are reveling in the gentle and idyllic coexistence atmosphere of the state which in turn, is engendering a bushel of developmental projects in the state, a vivacious environment for the people and the civil servants through Osun for becoming a welfare state under the good governance of governor Oyetola. As a matter of fact, some have concluded that by all odds, governor Isiaka Oyetola attitudinal disposition to governance is fascinating, convincing, arresting and thriving but he is strongly being admonished on the fact that the good gestures must not only to succeed a second term bid but also to perdure same when he is given the mandate to serve de novo.

The writer, having veraciously followed the trend of things in the state, he thereby embraces the philosophical expression that says: *in a society, where the gyration of hips form the major dance. He who dances sees not his back but the onlookers see how well he had performed.* This had however, triggered the article when it is generally conceded that the trumpet of a man could only be blown by somebody else and to express in a truistic manner the situation as it is devoid of taking refuge in the attitude of mute indifference.

Foolarin Lawal is a freelancer and he writes for public consumption.


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