Shun all violence, show more love during Easter celebration –Catholic Bishop, Badejo

Most Rev. Emmanuel Badejo, Catholic Bishop of Oyo Diocese, has urged Nigerians to use the occasion of Easter to shun all forms of violence, obey God by loving one another irrespective of religion or tribe.

Badejo said this when he spoke with newsmen on Friday in Ibadan.

“Love demands that we work for justice and fairness to all, it was out of love that God gave his only son to die for us, we are of nothing without love,” he said.

He urged leaders across the world, those in government, religious leaders, traditional, family, business and economic leaders to join hands to work for a better world as Jesus did.

Badejo urges them to make sacrifice for their people as Jesus laid down his life in total selflessness.

“Jesus is the one leader that the leaders of the world in every way can confidently emulate, leaders of all categories should eschew selfish interests and greed in order to create a peaceful and harmonious world.

“On Good Friday, we must remember Jesus’ call to us to carry our cross and follow him.

“It is the only thing Jesus asks us to carry as his disciples, He did not ask us to carry our wealth, degrees, titles or position but the cross, the significance of this fact must not be lost on us; there is a reward for it.

“The blood that Jesus shed on Calvary will never lose its power,Christians are enjoined to hold firmly to the cross with faith and trust in God while doing good to all, the cross we carry shall end with the joy of Easter.

“Also, Good Friday condemns the current dog eat dog situation of wars, conflict, violence and bloodshed all over the world,” he said.

According to the bishop, from the pulpit of the cross, Jesus cries out for an end to hatred, corruption, selfishness, racism, discrimination and wickedness.

“God is always good, He made a world that is good, Human beings must stop destroying the world and destroying one another, humanity cannot win a war against itself.

“We must sit down and realise that we are of the same stock, children of one God and live accordingly.

“Every life that is snuffed out, every child that is killed is a defeat for humanity.

“Let us work together for peace justice and let love return to experience again one world and one humanity,” he said.

Badejo further remarked that out of obedience and love Jesus Christ shed his blood for the

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