Seplat Energy appoints two new Directors, as two others resign

The Board of Seplat Energy Plc. has announced the resignation of Mr. Damian Dodo, SAN and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown from its Company as Independent Non-Executive Directors, after seven years of meritorious services.

In addition, the Board also disclosed that Prof. Fabian Ajogwu and Mr. Bello Rabiu have been appointed as Independent Non-Executive Directors of the Company, with effect from today.

These announcements were made in a notification issued by the Company Secretary, Mrs. Edith Onwuchekwa.

According to the notice, the changes are in line with the corporate governance principle of refreshing the Board intermittently through an appropriate balance of skills and diversity. Additionally, the firm noted that the replacement for Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is still ongoing and would be announced in due course.

Commenting on the retirement of the Directors, the Chairman of the Board, Dr. A.B.C Orjiako said: “Seplat Energy was very privileged to have had such seasoned intellectuals who made significant contributions to the growth of the Company. We remain grateful to Mr. Dodo, SAN and Lord Malloch-Brown for sharing their wealth of knowledge and vast experiences with the Board and the Company and we wish them the best in their future endeavors.”

On the other hand, commenting on the recent appointments, Dr. Orjiako said: “The Board of SEPLAT Energy is pleased to welcome, Prof. Ajogwu and Mr. Rabiu. These two prominent intellectuals bring vast knowledge in important areas such as the energy sector, corporate and business governance, industry regulation and capital markets. SEPLAT Energy looks forward to the immense contribution they will make towards its continuing global success.”

Prof. Fabian Ajogwu is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria and Lagos Business School Professor of Corporate Governance. He is an Alumnus of the Said Business School of Oxford University, and an Alumnus of the Lagos Business School. Professor Ajogwu holds a doctorate in Law from University of Aberdeen, Scotland; an MBA from the IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona; and Law degrees from the University of Nigeria, and the University of Lagos.

Mr. Bello Rabiu holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Mathematical Statistics from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria and another Master’s Degree in Petroleum Engineering from The Imperial College, London, United Kingdom.

Mr. Rabiu recently retired from the services of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in July 2019 after 28 years of service. He retired from NNPC as the Chief Operating Officer/Group Executive Director, Upstream Business Unit and served in various capacities in his over two decades of experience at the firm.

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