Scottish FA president blasts Rangers fans over vandalism during title celebrations

Fans of Scotland’s Premiership winners Glasgow Rangers have been criticised after their title celebrations involved “vandalism” and “sectarian” singing.

The Scottish Football Association’s president, Rod Petrie, published a statement congratulating the Glasgow team on their win but criticising fans’ actions.

This was after footage emerged of some fighting on the streets after the team’s final game against Aberdeen, stating it was an “embarrassment”.

“Scenes that require the First Minister, Justice Secretary, Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Federation to issue condemnatory statements, and images that dominated the news agenda throughout the weekend, represent an abomination not a celebration,” Petrie said on Monday.

“Those responsible for sectarian singing, for vandalism and for inflicting physical damage may attach themselves to football but cannot be considered football fans.

“Police Scotland have made a number of arrests and more are expected to follow.”

A spokesperson for the Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) meanwhile said the behaviour was “utterly shameful” while First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was “utterly disgusted”.

Police Scotland also confirmed it was investigating a video shared on social media over the weekend apparently showing Rangers players using sectarian language while celebrating.

“We are assessing its contents and will liaise with the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service as part of our enquiries,” it said in a statement.



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