Renunciation of secret cult

I, OKHUAKHUA OSAGHAE FRIDAY ( Male) , an adult, Christian and Citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, residing at No 13, 4th Victory lane, off New Lagos Road, Benin City, Edo State of Nigeria, do hereby make an oath and state as follows. Am the above named person and deponent herein.

I was a Member of Neo Black movement of Africa ( AKA Black AXE) Confraternity. I was initiated into the said Confraternity on the 14th day of April, 2000 in Benin City, under the influence of Friends. I have now wish to renounce and denounce my membership of the said Confraternity, henceforth I am no longer a member of the above mentioned Confraternity. I promise to be of good behavior and a good citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, hence this affidavit.

I hereby confirm and affirm the above stated fact, that AUTHORITY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, especially the LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY and the General public should please take note for record and official purposes. I make this affidavit solemnly believing same to be true and correct in accordance with the defunct Bendel Statutory declaration law of 1976, now applicable to Edo State of Nigeria.

Articles: 54827