Promise in Islam

Many Muslims today cannot answer if a question is thrown to them concerning Ileya festival, what it’s origin? How did it becomes an act of Ibadah in Islam? How did it relates to the entire Muslims in the world today?

Prophet Ibraheem (PBHM) was said to have waited to be blessed with child, he asked Allah to give him a child, and made a promise that he’ll sacrifice the child to thank Allah.

He was given a child which was known as Prophet Ismael. Prophet Ibrahim was happy and he later forgot to fulfill the promise he made to Allah.

Allah reminded him of the promise, and Prophet Ibrahim took the child to sacrifice him after consulting him and his mother. When he reached the spot where he wanted to sacrifice the child, Allah exchanged the child with a big ram, which later became a path and legacy which Prophet Ibrahim left; because he’s a father of faith which every one worshiping Allah must follow his path and step.

Prophet Ibrahim became leader of all people on earth after fulfilling the promise he made to Allah. (When his lord tried him with certain words, he fulfilled them, he said: Surely I make you Imam of men) AL-BAQARA 124

The Quran says: (And (of) Ibrahim who fulfilled (the commandments) AN-NAJM 37.

This story emphasizes that fulfilling promise is important in our life and our religion. It also sheds a light on how Allah rewards those one that fulfill their promise.

A Muslim must not break  promises, and he must not enforce what he’s not capable of on himself.

The Quran describes the real Muslims and says: (and the performers of their promise when they make promise) AL- BAQARA 177.

It’s good to fulfill promise than to break it. That’s how people will see you as a trustworthy and faithful person in life and religion.


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