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Proactive dialogue: The way to forestall  disintegration

The topical subject of communal clashes has been a phenomenon of long historical bearings in the entities that predate the political marriage that led to what is now called Nigeria. Historical records have established the reality of clashes between and among local communities, engendered by several sources of struggles for supremacy. According to history,  these empires and kingdoms of the past were known to be prone to endless battles for supremacy  from time to time. However, the coming of colonialism and the attendant western exposure which brought all these entities under one umbrella, brought new realities that have continued to bear resonating effects till the present. The evolving voyage from the traditional make up, to a more westernised form of government, led to the evolution of a central Government under which every sub-existing authorities have to oblige to. The adoption of a Federal system  believed to be the practicable form of government for a heterogeneous entity practical of the make up of Nigeria with a number of ethnic nationality subsumed under one entity, had been a subject of mixed argument over the years. However, since the Country has found itself within the prevailing architecture, the concern then has to shift to how to pragmatically manage the realities of the heterogeneity of the Nigerian sociopolitical architecture. While proponents who believe in the prospects of oneness have continued to advance the course of reconciling with the ideals of unity in diversity, more pessimists who do not share this view more or less argue the possibilities of advancement under the prevailing set-up as a facade.

The reality of the prevailing situations and records of experiences of cohabitation in the Country since the onset of the existing architecture found its way into existence, has been  marked with mixed outcomes which any of the contending school of thoughts may dwell on to buttress their arguments respectively. One phenomenon of recent times which has begun to give stronger backing to the argument of the pessimists of Nigeria’s heterogeneity, is the omen of ethnic showdown which is perceived in-view over the clashes between nomadic herders believed to be of Fulani extraction and host communities across the Country. The row has degenerated most recently with eviction threats issued to herders from certain territories within the Country. The intensity of the subject coming from both government authorities of sub national government and even private citizens seeking to protect their territories from what is perceived as a threat of war, has raised much concern. The threats hold their bearing to the records of gruesome escapades of cruel elements among nomadic herders whose inhumane attacks and crimes against farmers in their settlements and their host communities have erupted fear, panic as well as the feelings of resentment and stereotype to view every herder as a potential threat to life. The subject most recently, is brewing a face off between even the Federal Government and sub-national authorities hosting communities which have been worst hit by the menace. A whipping argument from some angles have been critical with accusations that the body language of the Federal Government to the matter is a clear show that it is  nepotistically bending in support of an ethic group which members have been cruel against innocent citizens.

In the light of the controversies, the Northern State Governors had following an emergency meeting held virtually on Monday to address issues affecting the region and the Country, stressed on the need to come to terms with present reality that nomadic open grazing is no longer tenable in the Country. Following the meeting, in a communiqué by the Chairman, Northern Governors Forum and Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong, released in Jos on Tuesday, the Governors expressed concern over the tension generated by the eviction order issued to herdsmen in some parts of the Country. Their concerns resonate the fact that the situation is heating the already fragile profile of security atmosphere with threats of reprisal attacks which the Northern Governors are working assiduously to contain. According to them, the prevailing situation calls for an urgent need for the Nigerian Governors Forum to meet and discuss the issue holistically with a view to resolving all areas of misunderstanding and conflicts arising from these threats and suspicion for the sake of national unity. The Communiqué had read partly: “Consequently, Forum resolved to aggressively sensitise herdsmen on the need to adopt new methods of herding by ranching or other acceptable modern methods. It appeals to the Federal Government to support States with grants to directly undertake pilot projects of modern livestock production that will serve as springboard and evidence for breaking resistance to the full implementation of new methods of livestock production. Forum resolved to engage elders and youths in a robust discussion with a view to dousing the tensed security environment in the north. Accordingly, a four – person committee was put in place to be headed by the Chairman of the Northern Governors Forum.”

Since it is quite difficult to address  issues revolving around the resentful  calls for the dissolution of the Federation, it is however more necessary that the management of the diversity be strongly embellished and fortified with a firm approach. It is paramount for government authorities from the central to the sub-national levels, to return to the table of reason to reach resolution on the matter of nomadic open grazing among other peace threatening subjects raising ugly omen of looming crisis in the Country. It is paramount for the Federal Government to sincerely and realistically work with State Governments and local authorities to strike resolutions on how the fast worsening herders/host communities clashes will not further degenerate into uncontrollable situations of ethnic showdown in the Federation. It is quite instructive that the traditional institutions at the local community levels be carried along in this move. Agreements to be struck on this note, should border on solutions strongly built around the interest of the Federation and not bent towards sentimental and nepotistic lines. This is essentially imperative to avert the lingering experiences of clashes which constitute threats to security and palatable coexistence in the Country.  Proactive measures of note is the way to go to forestall the speculated showdown that may erupt, should the prevailing threats be handled with levity to degenerate into a faceless war.

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