Political assassinations: Osun Govt talks tough

The Government of Osun State rose from its weekly Executive Council Meeting on Tuesday Government with a stern warning to those beating the drum of violence and bloodshed in the state to desist or they would be made to dance to their evil rhythm.

This followed recent assassinations of chieftains of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state, and several violent attacks on party members and government officials, including the wife of the governor,  Mrs Kafayat Oyetola.

While calling for calm among peace loving people of the state, including functionaries of government and  members of the APC, the state government also revealed that it was aware of plans by the opposition to further unleash terror on government officials and members of the APC in the days ahead.

In a statement released to newsmen by the Commissioner for Information and Civic Orientation, Funke Egbemode, the government called for calm among its officials and members of the APC, adding that they should not allow themselves to be drawn out by those on an adventure of terror.

“The government is very worried about the spate of politically-motivated assassinations in Osun, a state that has enjoyed peace and tranquility in the last four years and has earned its rating as the nation’s safest place.

“Sadly, innocent and peace-loving people are beginning to live in fear since the announcement of the results of the governorship election, because of a revival of the violent culture that the Peoples Democratic Party is known for.

“Specifically, government officials and members of the ruling All Progressives Congress have been targeted in all of these attacks. More shocking was the ambush and violent attack launched on the First Lady in Owode-Ede, the hometown of Mr Ademola Adeleke, which left people on her convoy injured. Indeed, there is nothing to prove that the attack was not targeted at Governor Adegboyega Oyetola himself.

“We have intelligence reports that more of such attacks are being planned and targeted at government officials and chieftains of the ruling party in order to further heat up the polity of the State and, by extension, disrupt the peace of the State.

“The state is calling on both local and national security agencies, and especially the Inspector-General of Police, to rise to the occasion and ensure the safety of Osun citizens and especially protect government officials from the onslaught of the PDP and its terror allies.

“The government in the saddle is a responsible and peaceful one, and has since not fought back because it doesn’t believe in heating up the polity of the State. It has simply minded its business and continued to deliver on its promises to citizens, which it is constitutionally bound to do till November 27.

“The government is also calling for calm among its functionaries and party chieftains that are being harassed. Please, do not succumb to the provocations of those whose main interest is to thrash the gains Osun has recorded in terms of peace and tranquility.

“Those whose desire is to shed blood of the innocent, peace-loving Osun people should not forget that those who live by the sword will be felled by the same weapon.

“Finally, Government wishes to reaffirm that no one should test its resolve to deploy the full powers of the law to make the state safe for all including members of the opposition themselves. A word should be enough for the wise,” Osun government said.

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