Police parade 67 gay suspects in Police

The Delta State Police Command on Tuesday paraded 67 gay suspects arrested over alleged homosexuality during an all-night wedding reception held at a popular hotel, off Refinery Road in Effurun, the Uvwie Local Government Area of the state.

The state Commissioner of Police, Wale Abass, represented by the Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright Edafe, while parading the suspects warned parents to monitor their children closely.

Edafe said the suspects were arrested in a hotel where a same-sex wedding between 22-year-old Daniel Pius (the groom) and 20-year-old Maxwel Ohwonohwo (bride) was held.

“On August 27, 2023, around 9pm, operatives of the divisional patrol team attached to Ekpan Division intercepted a male cross-dresser who claimed to be an actor. Upon interrogation, he confessed that he is a member of a certain gay club and that he was on his way to join his fellow members for a gay marriage ceremony.

“He also confessed that one Babasola Oluwafemi ‘M’ aged 53years is the head of their group, and has been on the run when he discovered he has been declared wanted by the police, whosoever that comes across Mr Babasola Oluwafemi should report to the nearest police station,” the Police added.

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