Police disrupt gay birthday party

The Nigerian Police disrupted a birthday party organised by a  gay member in Umaru Makama, Dogo Road, Nasarawa state, Nigeria.

The Spokesperson for the Nasarawa State Police Command, who disclosed this in a statement on Monday, July 3rd 2022, said police received a tip off about a group of men suspected to be homosexuals conducting a Birthday Party in Umaru Makama Dogo Road.

Immediately a team of police officers proceeded to the scene and a group of 28 adult Men. All the men had make up while some dressed in  female attire with wigs. In the course of interrogation two of their members who were on  wanted list in connection with Gay wedding which took place in Asaba on 24/12/2021 were apprehended, they are, Samuel Tokunbo of No 6 Okoye Street off Okpanam Road Asaba and Ejola Lasisi of same address.

It would be recalled that Gay, homosexual and same sex marriage is against the law in Nigeria.

The Police also arrested other suspects at the birthday party. Gift items and other vital documents were confiscated and some Gay  members are still in the police custody.

Samuel Tokunbo narrated that Philip Titus Usan, Philip Adusa and Ngo Okoye are those that introduced him to Gay.

Other members declare wanted by government and their whereabout yet unknown are, Kingley Sunday, Samson Adimenu, Onibeju Adebanjoko Rasak, Agbabika Ikileri, Oliver Oparam and Linus Steven.

Their families are worried about their safety.

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