Pantami: Reasons for his blackmail, smear campaign and intimidation

Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami is one of the youngest, vibrant, focused, ambitious and goal oriented ministers in this administration. His journey to limelight at the national level began as the DG of NITDA in 2016. 80% of those who knows NITDA now, knew it as a result of Dr. Pantami’s effort of reviving the grace and mandate of NITDA through his tireless and unalloyed efforts and focus in repositioning NITDA to achieve its mandate. A lot of people don’t know the responsibilities and mandate of the Federal Ministry of Communications until when Dr. Pamtami became the minister. One can doubtlessly say that there was never a time in the history of Nigeria when the Federal Ministry of Communication (now Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy – his singular effort to rebrand the ministry to reflect global trend and champion the digital transformation of the conutry) was functioning optimally and achieving its mandate like now under Dr. Pantami. So who are those with the motive of smearing the name and image of the digital minister?

The first group are the sponsors of terrorism banditry and insecurity.

With the policies put in place by Dr. Pantami through the SIM-NIN linkage, a lot of toes have been stepped upon by the digital minister, hence terrorist and their sponsors were given sleepless nights. Therefore such group of people has the motive to sponsor blackmail and smear campaign against Dr. Pantami.

The second group are the politicians. Dr. Pantami’s achievements as DG NITDA and minister of Federal Government of Nigeria are numerous and unbeatable. Within the time span of 5 years (2016 to date), Dr. Pantami’s name has reached every nook and cranny of the country due to his focus, determination and hardwork. He has tirelessly turned himself into a brand by his versatile knowledge in both western and islamic circle. Within that period, Dr. Pantami has acquired fame and momentum like a whirlwind which many politicians at both levels  could not get. Due to his patriotism, zeal and determination, Dr. Pantami has helped many people from Gombe State and the entire country by securing various appointments for them across all Federal Government agencies in such a way that no any Gombe indigine has done. Through Dr. Pantami, indigines of Gombe State got appointments in agencies as never before  because of his influence and selflessness. Also, at the national level, Dr. Pantami has the spirit and patriotism to work with people across religious and tribal divides. This can easily be confirmed by checking list of his aides. Though Dr. Pantami is yet to show interest in any political office, some people feel threatened and  intimidated by his charisma, achievements and fame. Therefore, a motive for sponsoring his blackmail can also arise from such politicians.

Lastly, never in the history of Nigeria was a well-versed islamic scholar appointed to such a high level office as Dr. Pantami is. This did not go well with some people as they see Dr. Pantami as a threat to their normal “kill and share” routine. Whoever knows Dr. Pantami knows his staunch stand on terrorism and all acts of terrorism. The simple fact that his life has been threatened since the days of Muhammad Yusuf, the former Boko Haram leader and presently, is a pointer to that. There was never a time in which Dr. Pantami’s association has been proven with Boko Haram or their leadership, but we all know the open relationship and romance shared between Muhammad Yusuf, Dokubo Asari, Oritsejafor, Jerry Gana and Co. Why was their names not mentioned or their relationship not quizzed?

From the elaborated facts above we can see that their are a lot of forces working tirelessly to discredit an innocent and vibrant gentleman by distracting his attention and focus. We condemn such callous, uncalled, inhumane and cowardly act.

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