Oza-1 oil field stabilises production at 1,184bpd

Decklar Petroleum has announced that its Oza-1 well at the Oza Oil Field is now producing at a stable rate.

According to a statement, the well has reached an average, stabilised production rate of 1,184 barrels of oil per day (bopd).

Oza-1 well is producing crude oil at a fixed choke setting of 24/64 inch over a 46 hour period.

Production of crude oil from the well is flowing into storage tank at the Oza Oil Field, which will then be delivered by truck to the Umugini pipeline infrastructure crude handling facilities.

Decklar and its co-venturer Millenium Oil & Gas Company have received the permits required to resume production from the Oza-1 well at the Oza oil field.

Production from the well has begun at low volumes initially to re-establish oil flow, with volumes to be increased steadily in order to establish a long-term sustainable rate.

Production of crude oil from the Oza-1 well will flow into storage tanks at the Oza oil field and then be delivered by truck to the Umugini Pipeline Infrastructure Limited crude handling facilities.

Duncan Blount, CEO of Decklar Resources, said,“The resumption of production from the Oza-1 well is the first step to get Decklar back on track with plans to continue delivering oil and working to improve logistics and increase oil deliveries in the near future. Delays were experienced obtaining permits needed to restart the Oza-1 well, but operations have now resumed, and oil is being produced into onsite storage tanks.

“Decklar looks forward positively to future development and drilling activities at the Oza field and continued progress on development activities at the Company’s other fields.”

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