1. A boat ferrying your only child, beloved mother and loving and caring husband across a river is about to capsize and drown all the people  on board. You are standing at the bank of the river and expected to take decision to safe two and lose one of your person or attempt to safe two and lose all of them. Now that the decision is yours,


(a) Prefer to lose your beloved mother to safe your only child and loving and caring husband?

(b) Prefer to lose your only son to safe your beloved mother and loving and caring husband?

(c) Prefer to lose your loving and caring husband to safe your only child and beloved mother?

  1. You love each other so much . He also spent millions of naira to safe your parents from the claws of death. Now that you are both married and you discovered that his real source of wealth is the dry corpse in one room he had warned you not to open,


(a) Pretend as if you have not seen the corpse and continue to enjoy the money?

(b). Confront him with the fact before divorcing him when you know he will kill you for security reasons?

(c). Kill him with a poison so that you can enjoy the money with your family?

3.Your mum and dad are naked fighting. Your mother is pulling his private part while he is biting deep into her breast,


(a). Prefer to first push your father’s mouth out of your mother’s breast before pulling her hands off his private part?.

(b). Prefer to pull your mother’s hands off his private part before pushing his mouth off her breast?

(c). Prefer to scream to attract the attention of people to resolve the problem while you cover your face in shame?

4.You and your husband are stark naked in the bedroom playing when your six years old daughter suddenly opened the door while your hubby was on top of you, and she asked: “Mum is dad beating you”?


(a).Tell her “yes. Your dad is beating me”?

(b).Tell her, “No. Your dad is massaging me”?

(c) Tell her, “Get out of this room and don’t be silly”?


1.You were five years old when your father divorced your mother and you have not set your eyes on her since then. Now that you are 20 years old and your close friend takes you to a brothel, showing you your mother whom he claimed had carnal knowledge with,


(a). Attack your friend for having carnal knowledge with your mother?

(b). Embrace your prostitute mother  whom you have not seen for many years?

(c). Out of anger order your prostitute mother to pack immediately out of the brothel before leaving the hotel in shame?

  1. An angry armed soldier is sitting behind you forcefully on top your bike. He is ordering you to move on top speed in pursuit of two gun-totting armed robbers or he will shoot you in the  dead from behind,


(a). Prefer to move on top speed in pursuit of two gun- totting armed robbers than to be shot dead by a soldier at close range?

(b). Prefer to be shot by the angry soldier at close range than to chase the two gun- totting armed robbers?

(c). Run on top speed, causing a ghastly accident that will land you and the soldier in hospital than to run after the two gun-totting bandits or be killed by the angry soldier?

2.This your close friend is telling you that he did not defile your 12 years old daughter. Your neighbour is affirming that he did, while your daughter insisted that the man did not even touch her in anyway. Now, what do you do?


(a). Attack your informant for giving you a wrong information?

(b). Arrest your close friend for the alleged defilement?

(C). Beat up your daughter before taking her to the hospital for a medical check up?

  1. You are walking with your visiting friends when you see your mother stark naked and mad along the road,


(a). Persuade your visiting friends to assist you to hold down your stark naked and mad mother so that you can cover her nakedness before moving her to a psychiatric hospital?

(b). Pretend as if you don’t know her and walk away with your friends?

(c). Disown her as a mother since she is mad and capable of causing shame on you any time and any day?

4.You love her so much and you are rich and about to marry her when somebody gave you her nude pictures with another man. Now that you are in love with her and you have also seen her nude pictures with another man,


(a). Go ahead and marry her?

(b). Refuse to marry her because of the offensive pictures you have seen?

(c). Look for those people with the pictures and pay them off as you collect the pictures or blackmail them before they start blackmailing you, using the pictures?

Articles: 54576