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Osun yesteryears, Osun today: What Adeleke should have done differently in 15 months



By Waheed Adekunle

Socrates, a great philosopher once said: “an unexamined life is not worth living.” This simply means that it is important to use our highly developed thinking faculty to raise our existence above that of mere creatures. Eating, sleeping, working and procreating can’t distinguish us from animals. Without thinking, life is not worth living. This thought was completed by Benjamin Franklin, a political philosopher and founding father of the United States who said: “he who fails to plan, plans to fail.” In other words, there should be metrics to measure one’s performance within a specific period of time to know what is being achieved and areas to work harder on for the all round success.

Relating these philosophical cliches to the art of governance in Osun, particularly since the return to democracy in 1999, there is no doubt  that the past administrations have genuinely done their bits at setting the enduring pace and place Osun on a sure footing of socioeconomic advancement, political emancipation and corporate growth and development.

The administration of Chief Abdul-Kareem Adebisi Akande began on socioeconomic and political overhauling strictly committed to lifting the state out of her excruciating situation occasioned by the long military presence in the state. Akande’s curiosity for a modern Osun knew no bounds as he built a concrete foundation for Osun as manifested in several kilometers of roads constructed within the first twelve months of his administration. There was a saying during Akande’s regime that says “Ijoba sogbo dile, sogbe digboro, sakitan doja” meaning “the government that is irrevocably committed to socioeconomic development; infrastructural advancement – turning bushes to housing estates and markets to enhance commercial activities, encourage industrialization and investments through rural-urban renewal and migration for the all round success of the state. The Osun State Government Secretariat Complex is a testament to Chief Akande’s legacies.

Similarly, the administration of former Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola of seven and a half years witnessed different developmental strides but the peak of it was the successful establishment of the state owned tertiary institution known today as Osun State University (Uniosun) with its campuses spread across the zones in the state.

As a bridge-builder whose tenure gave Osun a facelift of development, the eight years of former Governor Rauf Aregbesola didn’t only build on the past gains but equally opened up Osun to the world map, especially in infrastructural renaissance. Though loans were taken to execute some of those projects, no effort was spared to set the state on the pedestal of sustainable infrastructural development purposely designed to guarantee her future population explosion.

In the same vein, the immediate past administration of former Governor Adegboyega Oyetola consolidated on the past gains as he recorded tremendous improvement across sectors of the economy despite the inherent challenges caused by the huge debt profile and lean purse of the state as at the time he assumed Office.

Oyetola’s administration, in four years, reconstructed, renovated and revitalized 332 Primary Healthcare Centres – one per political Ward across the nooks and crannies of the state – an enduring legacy and feat never attained by any state government, safe for Lagos, in the history of Nigeria.

Among several other infrastructural projects completed, the administration also built many historical roads that had been practically abandoned for ages by successive governments and which had become death traps not only for the dwellers of those affected communities but also for the people plying through the ancient roads for one reason or the other.

Above all, the four years administration of former Governor Oyetola now Minister of Marine and Blue Economy built the state-of-the-art Olaiya iconic flyover bridge despite the palpable meagre resources that accrued to the state among other challenges that bedeviled the administration, chiefly the COVID-19 and EndSARS protest.

However, the current administration under the leadership of Senator Ademola Adeleke appears to have been revolving the orbit in search of reality, as it is not clear to anyone, the direction the government is tilting towards in the last 15 months.

The citizens were promised a drastic change in the art of governance within six months of coming into office. Osogbo residents were promised a total turnaround of infrastructural development capable of turning the ancient town to ‘Small London and Small Dubai’ – all within six months. Dollars, Euros and Pounds ( from the thriving family business) were promised to complement the resources of the state for greater development. He also promised to reform Local Government Administration  by returning governance to the grassroots. Youths were promised to be fully engaged into civil service, public service, agriculture, commerce and industry – through massive investments capable of generating jobs and profits for the state and her citizens. Mining, education, health, agriculture, commerce and industry among other sectors were promised to be revamped within the possible shortest time. But lo and behold, none of the aforementioned have come to pass in the last fifteen months of being at the helm of affairs of the state.

It is disheartening that the first and ever project reeled out for execution, that is,  the borehole project, failed fantastically. The borehole drilling which was conceptualized by Adeleke’s government a few months after taking the mantle of leadership of the state, was to complement the existing ones dug in many of the primary health centres revitalized by his predecessor across the state. It turned out that many of the acclaimed boreholes of the government of the day were imaginary. They only existed only on paper, but not in reality. Where a handful were constructed, many of those boreholes are not functional, so are not serving the purpose for which they were constructed.

Aside from this, nothing spectacular has been witnessed as development since the inception of the present administration other than Executive Order that has taken the state back to the primitive era. A lot of infractions have been committed leading to the: sack of many workers including the Rector of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree; demotion of top bureaucrats including Permanent Secretaries appointed by Oyetola’s administration; removal of the traditional rulers, express dissolution of Statutory and Non-Statutory Commissions, dismissal of the elected Council Chairmen and a heinous attempt to oust the incumbent Chief Judge of the state, Justice Adepele Ojo.

If the incumbent government had been faithful to promises made, it would have made an impact at least in the lives of a fraction or segment of the populace if not all. Had it been there is sincerity of purpose within the ruling class, the state would have achieved far better and it wouldn’t have remained stagnant as it is.  Had it been it was a government that prioritises the welfare and general wellbeing of the masses, a lot of life-changing policies would have been formulated and implemented to impact meaningfully in the lives of the people judging from the crazy funds and accrued revenues received thus far. Had it been there is a serious government in place, effort would have been intensified to cushion the effect of subsidy removal on the lives of the people of the state, at least to complement frantic effort of the federal government in that regard. If it was to be a truly people-oriented government, accountability, transparency and probity would have been its watchword and there would not have been any reason for hiding the identity of the contractors handling public projects let alone the contract costs.

It is regrettable that profligacy has become the order of the day in the state as its stems of cancerous tumor has resorted into bloated political appointments, among other frivolities, taking away the larger chunks of the state’s resources and leaving many in avoidable hopelessness, hunger and poverty. The sleepless public lens of adjudication is watching day and night.

May God heal our land!

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Embracing hope with President Tinubu’s administration: A new era for a brighter Nigeria



By Amb Okereke Nnamdi Henry

Nigeria recently celebrated a significant milestone – 25 years of uninterrupted democracy. This achievement is a testament to the country’s resilience and determination to deepen its democratic roots. In his Democracy Day address, President Bola Tinubu honoured the sacrifices of those who fought for Nigeria’s democratic struggle, acknowledging the challenges faced and the progress made.

President Tinubu’s speech emphasised the importance of democracy as a way of life, beyond mere elections. He highlighted the need for economic reforms to create a stronger foundation for future growth, committing to protect citizens’ rights, freedoms, and liberties. His administration’s people-oriented approach and dedication to democratic principles assure a better tomorrow for Nigeria.

Honouring the past, embracing the future

President Tinubu paid tribute to the heroes and heroines who fought for Nigeria’s democracy, including Chief MKO Abiola, the winner of the June 12, 1993, presidential election. He acknowledged the sacrifices of pro-democracy activists, journalists, and ordinary Nigerians who stood against military dictatorship, paving the way for the country’s democratic journey.

The President’s speech emphasised the importance of learning from the past, honouring the memories of those who fought for democracy, and embracing the future with hope and determination. He encouraged Nigerians to unite behind his administration’s vision, working together to build a brighter future.

Democracy as a way of life

President Tinubu emphasised that democracy is not just about elections but a way of life that encompasses freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He acknowledged the challenges faced by Nigerians but expressed hope for a brighter future, encouraging cooperation and unity.

The President’s commitment to democracy is evident in his administration’s people-oriented approach, which prioritises the needs and aspirations of ordinary Nigerians. His speech highlighted the importance of economic reforms, acknowledging the need for a stronger foundation for future growth.

Economic reforms for a brighter future

President Tinubu’s administration has initiated economic reforms aimed at creating a more stable and prosperous Nigeria. These reforms are designed to diversify the economy, reduce dependence on oil revenues, and create opportunities for economic growth and development.

The President acknowledged the challenges faced by Nigerians, particularly in relation to the economy. However, he expressed hope for a brighter future, encouraging Nigerians to work together to achieve economic prosperity.

Cooperation and principled compromise

President Tinubu’s speech highlighted his administration’s commitment to cooperation and principled compromise. He acknowledged the negotiations with organised labour on a new national minimum wage, demonstrating his administration’s willingness to engage in dialogue and find mutually beneficial solutions.

This approach is a testament to the President’s dedication to democratic principles and his commitment to working with all stakeholders to achieve common goals. By embracing cooperation and principled compromise, Nigeria can overcome its challenges and achieve economic prosperity.

A new era of hope and progress

President Tinubu’s speech marked a new era of hope and progress for Nigeria. His administration’s people-oriented approach, commitment to democracy, and dedication to economic reforms assure a brighter future for Nigerians.

As the President said, “The initial rays of a brighter tomorrow now appear on the early horizon.” Let us unite behind his vision, embracing this new era of hope and progress. Together, we can build a Nigeria where democracy flourishes, and economic opportunities abound.


President Tinubu’s Democracy Day address was a testament to his administration’s commitment to democracy, economic reforms, and the well-being of Nigerians. His speech emphasised the importance of learning from the past, honouring the memories of those who fought for democracy, and embracing the future with hope and determination.

As Nigeria moves forward, it is essential to remember the sacrifices of those who fought for democracy and to continue working towards a brighter future. President Tinubu’s administration has demonstrated its commitment to democratic principles and economic reforms, assuring a better tomorrow for Nigerians.

Let us unite behind President Tinubu’s vision, embracing this new era of hope and progress. Together, we can build a Nigeria where democracy flourishes, and economic opportunities abound. The future is bright, and with President Tinubu at the helm, Nigeria is ready to move forward.

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Workers’ lingering strike: Matters arising



By Bola Bolawole

Last week, I published here the first part of “One year later, what value has Tinubu added to our lives?” with a promise to publish part two here today. In the midst of that came a critical dimension to the lingering strike by Labour. With Labour still flexing muscles and the Government appearing reluctant to play ball; another nationwide strike looms. What the nation experienced the last time, especially with the shutting down of the national grid by the striking workers, must be avoided at all costs because the costs were staggering.

What you are about to read, “Workers’ strike and the disruption of critical national infrastructure: Matters arising” is an intervention by a retired Kogi State high court judge, and a visiting professor of Law at Baze University, Abuja – Andrew Alaba Omowaye-Ajileye. Justice Ajileye is Nigeria’s leading authority on electronic evidence.

Hear him: “On Monday, June 3, 2024, Nigerian workers embarked on a nationwide strike action, leading to the shutdown of the national grid. Power supply across the country was disrupted, resulting in a nationwide blackout. The strike action was called by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) to demand a higher minimum wage for workers.

A respected national newspaper’s admirable reporting of the relevant aspect of the event is captured hereunder: ‘From aviation to power supply, seaport, and public healthcare, Nigeria’s bleeding economy was brought to its knees… as organised Labour embarked on a nationwide industrial action to force the government to an acceptable compromise on the ongoing minimum wage negotiation. The economy lost an estimated N113 billion to the shutdown of the national grid alone… Nigerians were plunged into darkness… as the national grid crashed to zero generation following the enforcement of industrial action by the Nigerian Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE)…

“Industry stakeholders have expressed their dismay over the shutdown and emphasised the detrimental effects on the economy and public welfare, highlighting the critical role of stable power supply in driving economic growth and development. They mentioned that the grid shutdown has caused unprecedented disruptions, impacting not just businesses but also essential services such as healthcare…

“The Executive Director, PowerUp Nigeria, Adetayo Adegbemle, said the deliberate shutdown of the grid should be a treasonable offence, noting that the Labour leadership needs to grow up and devise other means and strategies of engaging with the government instead of shutting down the national grid… What has happened to the national grid is a national security issue, he said, and (shutting it down) is disproportional and not appropriate. Whatever Labour does should be within the law; no one is above the law. (Labour) has the right to protest but other citizens should have the right to live ‘

“From available updates, the Tripartite Committee set up by the federal government to address the National Minimum Wage issue reached a recommendation of N62,000 as the new monthly minimum wage for civil servants. While both the federal government and the organised private sector (OPS) have agreed to the proposed N62,000, organised Labour rejected this offer, threatening to resume the suspended strike action. The situation remains tense.

“The right of workers to embark on strikes is recognized and is hereby unquestionably conceded. It is a constitutional right. Workers have the right to strike and protest, but that right must be balanced against the need to protect the public interest and prevent harm to critical national infrastructure. The leadership of organised Labour should be sufficiently informed that using strike actions to disrupt national infrastructure is criminal. It endangers public safety, causes widespread economic harm, violates the rights of other citizens, and undermines the rule of law. Workers’ rights must be exercised responsibly, and strike actions should not be used to harm the public or disrupt critical services. By distinguishing between legitimate strike actions and criminal disruption of national infrastructure, the rights of both workers and the public interest can be protected.

“In many countries, laws and regulations prohibit strikes that disrupt essential services such as power generation, water supply, and healthcare. Workers in these critical sectors often have alternative dispute-resolution mechanisms to address their grievances without resorting to strikes that harm the public interest. In Nigeria, the Cybercrimes Act, 2015 (as amended), section 5(1) thereof, criminalises disruption to critical national infrastructure. The law prescribes a punishment of a term of not more than 10 years without an option of a fine. The relevant provision states as follows: 5(1) Any person who with intent, commits any offence punishable under this Act against any critical national information infrastructure, designated pursuant to section 3 of this Act, shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years without an option of fine.

“As a threshold point, it is expedient to remark here that one of the core objectives of the Cybercrimes Act, 2015, as stated under Section 1(b) of the Act, is to protect critical national information infrastructure (CNII). Towards this end, the President under Section 3(1) of the Act, empowered the Order published in the Federal Gazette, and on the recommendation of the National Security Adviser, to designate certain systems, and/or networks, whether physical or virtual, considered vital to this country that the incapacity or destruction or interference with such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national or economic security, national public health and safety, or any combination of those matters as constituting Critical National Information Infrastructure.

“It is on record that the President of the Federal Republic is yet to take advantage of the provision of Section 3(1) in designating any essential system or asset as critical national infrastructure. Last week’s disruption to Nigeria’s critical infrastructure underscores the urgency for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to take decisive action under Section 3 of the Cybercrimes Act to designate essential systems as critical infrastructure to prevent future disruptions and ensure national security in the Nation’s interests.

“Although the President has not designated critical infrastructure, the National Security Adviser has proactively identified 13 sectors as Critical Information Infrastructure sectors in the National Cybersecurity Policy 2021, effectively recognizing their importance to national security and economic resilience. In the said policy, 13 sectors have been identified as Critical Information Infrastructure Sectors. They are Power and Energy; Water; Information; Communication; Science and Technology; Banking/Finance and Insurance; Health; Public Administration; Education; Defence and Security; Transport; Food and Agriculture; Safety and Emergency Services; Industrial and Manufacturing; and Mines and Steel. There is no doubt that these critical sectors constitute a virtual life support system requiring protection.

“Let it be known that there is no universal classification or definition of what constitutes ‘critical infrastructure’ or ‘critical national information infrastructure (CNII).’ The meaning is elastic. It varies from one country to another. Each country defines the concept based on national needs, resources, level of development, exigencies, and priorities, among others. Accordingly, there can be as many definitions of critical national information infrastructure (CNII) as there are countries of the world, although, in substance and character, the definitions are similar.

“In general terms, critical infrastructure is understood as consisting of facilities and services that are vital to the operation of a society. They are so essential that their continued operation is required to ensure the security of a given nation, its economy, public health, and safety. They are considered ‘critical’ because their ‘destruction would have an impact on the security, national economic security, national public health and safety of the country.’

“Going by the provision of Section 3(1) of the Cybercrimes Act, 2015 (as stated above), the type of impact contemplated under Section 58 of the Act is a debilitating one. The word ‘debilitating’ in the context of Section 58 of the Act should be understood in its ordinary grammatical sense as an act capable of causing serious impairment of strength or ability to function. Destruction of a system or asset necessarily involves annihilation, demolition, or causing havoc on such a system or asset. The destruction can be due to natural causes (earthquakes, lightning strikes, etc.) or physical destruction attributed to intentional human actions, theft, arson, or terrorist attacks).

“‘Incapacity’ of critical infrastructure, on the other hand, may not necessarily involve physical destruction. For instance, an action that changes the functionality of a given information artefact may have a devastating impact on an infrastructure. The notion of ‘interference’ with critical infrastructure is all-embracing. It refers to any unauthorised or malicious activity that disrupts, damages, or destroys critical infrastructure. It may involve physical attacks. It generally encompasses any activity that compromises the integrity, reliability, or availability of critical infrastructure. Mere disruption of operations, for instance through denial of services, will also pass as interference. Interference with critical infrastructure can have significant consequences, as the nation experienced last week.

The United States of America President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) describes “critical infrastructure” as being “combinations of physical and cyber assets vital to the national economic well-being and security. The US PATRIOT Act 2011 defines critical infrastructure as “systems and assets, physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health and safety or any combination of those matters. Canada’s definition of what is critical involves “serious impact on the health, safety, security or economic well-being of Canadians or the effective functioning of governments in Canada” Germany refers to “significant disruptions to public order or other dramatic consequences.” The Netherland’s critical infrastructure policy refers to “infrastructure whose disruption would cause “major social disturbance,” “tremendous loss of life” and “economic damage.”

In light of the foregoing, an asset or a system does not need to be destroyed to have a debilitating impact on the security, economy, public health, and safety of the country… Interference necessarily entails disruption. The strike action of last week that led to the shutdown of the national grid witnessed a mass disruption of economic and social activities. There was also the shutting down of banks, schools, hospitals, railways, aviation, and other essential services. Although no act of physical destruction was attributed to the striking workers against any critical infrastructure, it can rightly be said that the disruptive acts of organised Labour brought about a debilitating impact on critical infrastructure in Nigeria.

With the advent of technology, nations all over the world are now known to depend on power and telecommunication systems for many things like communications, transportation, manufacturing as well as education, financial aviation services, and national defence, among others. Power and communication systems have, therefore, become very critical to humanity and should be adequately protected. Take away electric power for a few days, the whole nation would be paralyzed; tasks and objectives may be impossible to achieve and the security of the nation may be compromised. Therefore, organised labour should never again contemplate shutting down the national grid.

Together, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and future generations. In any event, the fear of the Cybercrimes Act should, henceforth, be the beginning of wisdom for organised Labour!

Bolawole is a Former Editor of PUNCH newspapers, public affairs analyst on radio and television. He can be reached via [email protected] 0807 552 5533

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Tinubu’s 1st anniversary: Appraising Oyetola’s exploits in Blue Economy Ministry



By Jimoh Olorede

Between May 29, 2023, when Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu assumed office as newly elected President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and May 29, 2024, which marked his first year anniversary, Nigeria has not remained the same in terms of socioeconomic policy thrust of the present administration, which has always been solution-driven towards problem-solving. Tinubu’s scenario exemplifies the case of a lame man whose beholders blame for his awkward posture and position of load on his head, and who replies by saying “you’re only looking at my head, if you had taken a keen observation, you would see that my awkward position is causative of my lame legs beneath my body,” meaning the present administration is seriously grappling with maladministration problems of the previous governments, who came onboard, saw the humongous systemic-problems, and window-dressed them until the expiration of their tenure in office.

However, the President has been working very hard ‘treating the wounded (lame) legs.’ One of the best ways to assess the performance of the President is by appraising the level of adherence of his ministers and their ministries to the terms of reference of their engagements. Consequently, the writer chose not propagandist Ministers, who are professional spin-doctors and hype-makers with sensational politics of spectacles, and in lieu, chose the helmsman of the Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy, Mr. Adegboyega Oyetola, a minister, who is somewhat taciturn and reserved, who always walks his talks, but hardly talks (about) his works or counts his laurels, as he believes in working and not noise making. Doing this, the piece appraises the exploits of the minister via the following yardsticks and spheres of performance, especially as Tinubu-led government gives stewardship accounts in its first anniversary.

Increasing Revenue From Maritime Services: According to the Minister, the ministry of Marine and Blue Economy generated a whooping sum of N242 billion naira in the first quarter of this year, 2024, and this represents a 92 percent increase in the ministry’s revenues compared with the previous year. The Minister, through his ministry, was able to attract more business and generate higher revenues by improving efficiency and capacity in ports, shipyards, and other maritime services.

Maritime Trade Facilitation: Some of the hindrances against efficiency and better revenue generation in the ministry, and in whatever other ministries whatsoever are bureaucracy and unnecessary administrative bottlenecks. By streamlining administrative processes and reducing bottlenecks, the ministry has been able to increase the volume of both intra-nation (within Nigeria) and international trade and revenues associated with it.

Shipbuilding and Ship Repair: Hardly would a country develop, if it has to import everything for its survival. The ministry has a department for shipbuilding and development in one of its agencies, the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA). With this, the country generates revenue from exports, and retains some of the funds that would have been spent on foreign importation of ships and their repairs when faulty.

Year 2023 Inland Waterways Transportation Regulation: This document which guides boat operations, regulates passengers’ conduct, and provides a framework for investors in water transportation, was gazetted under the headship of Mr. Bola Oyebamiji, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) and launched by the Minister, Oyetola.

Fibre-reinforced Plastic Fast-moving Boats: These are newly built pilot scheme boats innovatively designed to replace wooden canoes with the aim of reducing accidents on waterways. Twelve of this type of boats await commissioning at NIWA by the honourable Minister this week.

Water Ambulances: Three water-built ambulances have been procured and will also be inaugurated for operation by Oyetola this week at NIWA. The purpose of the procurement of the ambulances is mainly for search and rescue operations on inland waterways.

Providing Alternative to Over Reliance on Oil: With the development of the Blue Economy, which is capable of generating trillions in revenue, the ministry provides a unique diversification of our economy. This will automatically reduce Nigeria’s reliance on oil exports and increase the contribution of the marine sector to Gross Domestic Products (GDP).

Obviously, the minister has recorded exploits given the miles he has covered in terms of records of achievement in the new ministry. Also, on his strides of performance are the modernisation of Apapa and Tin Can Ports, rehabilitation of eastern ports, dredging of inland and coastal waterways, development of Inland Dry Ports, development of fisheries and aquaculture, promotion of coastal and marine tourism, capacity building for maritime security and surveillance, upgrade of maritime infrastructure and equipment, and strengthening of maritime regulations and enforcement, among others.

Dr. Olorede, an institution Head of Strategic Communication and Media Studies Department, writes via [email protected].

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