Osun @33: Adeleke calls for unity among citizens for prosperous future of state

By Ismail Azeez, Osogbo

As Osun State marks its 33rd anniversary, Governor Ademola Adeleke has called on all citizens of the state to come together irrespective of political affiliation in the spirit of unity for the development of the state.

Adeleke made the call during his state broadcast on the 33rd anniversary of the creation of Osun, saying the journey ahead of the state requires commitment in building a prosperous state for all.

He commended the founding fathers of the state for their courageous efforts to fight tirelessly to achieve the creation of the state.

According to the Governor, “Dear citizens of Osun State. I am filled with immense pride and joy as I address you on the 33rd anniversary of the creation of our beloved Osun State. Today, we stand united in celebration of a journey that began three decades ago, a journey marked by determination, resilience, and a strong belief in our collective future.

“As we celebrate our past, we must also look to the future. The journey ahead requires that we continue to work together irrespective of political affiliation in the spirit of unity and purpose that has brought us this far. Our challenges are not insurmountable; they are opportunities for us to demonstrate our resilience, our innovation, and our

“My fellow citizens, as we mark this 33rd anniversary, let us renew our pledge to contribute to the development of our state. Let us embrace the values of hard work, integrity, and community that have defined us as a people. Together, we can ensure that the Osun of tomorrow is even greater than the Osun of today.

“As your Governor, I am committed to leading this charge with transparency, dedication, and accountability. As we all know that governance is a collective responsibility, I call on all of you—our traditional rulers, religious leaders, civil servants, artisans, farmers, and entrepreneurs—to continue to play your part in the development of our state. Together, we can make Osun a model of excellence and progress.

“Today, let us renew our commitment to the vision that inspired the creation of Osun State. Let us continue to work towards a future where every citizen can thrive, where opportunities abound, and where the legacy of our founding fathers remains strong.

“In the face of challenges, we must remain steadfast. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way. Our strength lies in our unity, our diversity, and our shared vision for a prosperous and peaceful Osun State.

“On this 33rd anniversary, I ask that we all take a moment to reflect on the journey so far and to recommit ourselves to the ideals of our founding fathers. Osun State is our home, and it is our collective duty to ensure it continues to thrive.

“I extend my heartfelt gratitude to every citizen of Osun State. Your support, your contributions, and your unwavering belief in the potential of our state have been the driving force behind our progress. Let us continue to walk this path together, hand in hand, towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

The Governor lauded the effort of the past leader who championed the creation of Osun, “Our state’s creation was a culmination of the aspirations and struggles of our people. The vision is the pathway and the guiding light into the future. This was what the founding fathers and the agitators for the creation of a state to be named “Osun” had in mind and did everything possible to realise the vision.

“Today, we remember and honour those who championed the creation of Osun State, their labour was not in vain. They fought tirelessly, not for themselves, but for the future generation yet unborn. Their sacrifices remain the foundation upon which we stand today.

“To these heroes, we owe our deepest gratitude and we are forever grateful to their resolve, advocating for a state where the voices of our people could be heard and their potentials fully harnessed,” he added.

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