Osoba at 82: The Osoba that I know

Time and space would be of great constraint if I am to write all that I know about Chief Olusegun Osoba, CON. He was born on 15th day of July, 1939.

In every position he has occupied since he came to limelight as a journalist, politician and leader, it has been beneficial to larger populace.

Chief Osoba is an exemplary leader and would never request you to do what he cannot do for himself. He has been able to manage his accomplishment despite his humble background. He attracted to and surrounded himself with good and pleasant people being one himself. I have learnt and I am still tapping from the wealth of his knowledge and experience. indeed, he is an icon  and also carved a niche for himself in journalism and widely known as a force to be reckoned with within and outside Nigeria. His journey of life has been without incidence, but against all odds he has stood the test of time and come unscathed, triumphant, standing tall and unfazed like the rock of Gilbraltar. Like wine, Chief Osoba gets better with every passing day.

Akinrogun, is a disciplinarian, he never fails to correct anyone close to him whenever he perceives any atom of mediocrity or unacceptable behavior. Just as it is written in the Bible that it is son whom Father loves that he chastises. On the other hand, he lavishes praises and gives generously for good and honest behavior and any job he considers well done in clear conscience. It is said that good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly; Chief Osoba has always acted responsibly and reasonably towards all even when he had nothing to benefit personally.

Aremo Olusegun Osoba, is a man of not so many words, he lives by positive and progressive ideals which he wholly believes in to make Ogun State in particular and Nigeria in general, a better place to live in. I am sometimes astounded by how he was able to combine fearlessness with compassion in politics, until I came to the realization that it’s easy for him to espouse these qualities simply because he is honest and always has the interest of his people at heart at all times.

Araba of Yewaland, is more than a father, friend, political mentor and confidant to me, he is the fortress that God used to lighten up my path. A manager of men and resources, he is never too busy to lend a listening ear, provide caring shoulder, thus easily accessible to his people despite being a faithful husband, model father, diligent, reporter and a progressive statesman.

Personally, my regret is knowing him at advanced age. He has influenced my life politically and in Legal career (and even others) in multiple ways than I ever imagined possible. He is not one to ignore or not recognize raw and evolving talent when he come across one. So, he believed in me as soon as he crossed my path even when I was yet to have faith in my own abilities and capabilities.

For those of us that know him, our lot has been improved tremendously. For generations who may not have the rare opportunity of knowing the sage as I and others do, his legacies and footprints shall be recanted and passed on to time indefinitely. For like the Apostle Paul in the Holy Scriptures, Chief Osoba became all things to all men for the progress of the nation which he passionately believes in.

Finally, It is another time in the year to roll out the drums to celebrate an icon and a living legend.

I appreciate Almighty God for His immeasurable blessings and sound health bestowed upon your life to sustain the vision of your leadership and mission of impacting positively on the lives of family members, Children,  associates and followers.

Almighty God shall continue to protect, provide, elongate your life in sound health and perfect all things about you.

Happy birthday sir.

Congratulations Daddy.

Hon. Adekunle Adeyemi.

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