OPEC Sec Gen Congratulates Okonjo Iweala

The Director General World Trade Organization (WTO), Dr okonjo Iweala receives a sincere and heartfelt congratulatory letter on her fully deserved appointment as the newly elected Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Mohamrad Sanusi Barkindo, Secretary General of Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in a press release said “We wish you every success in your new role leading the WTO, a key organization for the effective functioning of the global economy and in helping trade flow as freely as possible. We commend the wisdom of the General Council of the WTO for the historic nature of your appointment, as you are the first woman and first person hailing from the continent of Africa to take up the reigns of the Organization”.

He further stated that Iweala’s appointment came at an extremely challenging time for the world and the WTO as global trade has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and support for the multilateral system needs to be bolstered but under her leadership the WTO will embark on a period of substantive and procedural reform”.

As an intergovernmental association, OPEC is a proud member of the multilateral system. We are continuously exploring opportunities to strengthen our relations with like-minded international organizations who share our values.

Sanusi said he looks forward to having an opportunity to discuss in person the possibilities of enhancing relations between the WTO and OPEC.

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