Ogun Assembly Commission amendment law scales 2nd reading

Ogun Assembly Service Commission (Amendment) Law, on Tuesday, scaled second reading, newsmen reports.

The amendment, the lawmakers said, had become imperative in order to address the logjam created by the old law.
They further attributed the amendment to the need to add value to the services rendered by career officers of the legislative arm of government.

Opening the debate on the bill during plenary in Abeokuta, Chairman, House Committee on Establishments, Mr Babatunde Tella, stressed the need for addressing certain issues that had held the assembly back.

Part of those issues, according to Tella who is the sponsor of the bill, is one bordering on the emoluments of the Clerk of the House.

He noted that the clause that equated the clerk with the Head of Service in the state needed to be toned down to that of Permanent Secretary.

The legislator said that concerning the deputy clerks and executive secretary of the assembly service commission would now be equated with directorates.

Other lawmakers, who corroborated Tella’s submission, said that the amendment would assist the assembly workers to add value to the service rendered, ensure proper seniority hierarchy and enable staffers to have their emoluments.

Responding, the Speaker, Mr Oludaisi Elemide, said that contrary to insinuations in some quarters, the essence of the amendment was to address certain issues that had created delay in the implementation of the old law.
He, thereafter, committed the bill to the Committee of the Whole House for further legislative actions.

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