Nigerian LGBTQ couple faces brutal attack under Sharia law, escapes after police torture

In a harrowing incident underscoring the dangers faced by LGBTQ individuals in Gwagwalada, northern Nigeria, a couple identify to be known as Justice Oshiorenua Idebogie was publicly beaten and disgraced by local authorities under Sharia law, which criminalizes homosexuality.

The pair, whose identities are being withheld for safety reasons, was targeted ina region where such laws are strictly enforced.

After their public humiliation, the couple was apprehended by the Nigerian Police and taken to a station for further questioning.

Inside the station, they endured severe torture and merciless beatings. Authorities planned to transfer them to a Sharia court, where the punishment for homosexuality could result in the death penalty.

In Nigeria, same-sex relationships are not only condemned under Sharia law in the northern states but are also punishable by up to 14 years in prison under national law.

Fearing for their lives, the couple resorted to bribing their way out of detention. They have since fled to undisclosed locations, seeking safety from further persecution.

This incident highlights the intense discrimination and violence faced by LGBTQ individuals in Nigeria, where societal and legal frameworks often intersect to deny fundamental rights. Activists continue to call for global attention and intervention to protect those at risk.

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