Nigeria hosts maiden Pan African Postal Union meeting in Abuja

…As Adewusi tasks African countries to embrace Digital Postal services, financial inclusion

By Ariemu Ogaga

Nigeria is hosting an inaugural meeting of the Operations and Technology Committee of the Pan African Postal Union (PAPU) in Abuja.

In his remark at PAPU Operations and Technology Committee meetings in Abuja on Tuesday, the Post Master General (PMG) Nigerian Postal Services (NIPOST ) Dr. Ismail Adewusi tasked member States to embrace digital postal services and financial inclusion as panacea for rapid development.

Adewusi said the meeting is important because ideas that will keep African Postal services on their toes will be discussed.

“The Operations and Technology committee of Pan African Postal Union PAPU is having its inaugural meeting in Nigeria.

“Nigeria is the chairman of the committee and we have the responsibility to look out for other African postal outlets to ensure that their postal services attain best global standards and acceptable practices,’’ he said.

The postal boss also said that issues bothering on how to better drive postal services and continue to break new grounds and remain relevant will be tackled.

He added that every member of the committee will go back to their respective countries with the resolutions of the meeting and impact it positively.

He said the world is moving into the digital age making postal services become seamless globally, therefore the African postal sector cannot be left behind.

While addressing journalists,  Assistant Secretary General of PAPU, Jessica Ssengooba from Uganda, said every sector in facing a digital disruption and the postal sector has to live up to its responsibilities.

She said the focus of the meeting was for member countries to come up with issues that are challenging the postal sector, propose solutions to be adopted and implemented.

She added that the committee had the responsibility of following up with proposed solutions.

Ssengooba also said “digitalising postal services is very important and we cannot do without it because it will help us to improve on our services and be up to date with globally acceptable standards.

“Digitalising postal services is very important and we cannot do without it because it will help us to improve on our services and be up to date with globally acceptable standards and practices.

“Automating postal services is necessary, we would come up with new products diversification of services too is very much needed.

“ The major challenge we have is global competition and we are involved in beneficial partnerships so that we can reach the last mile and ensure effective services,’’ she said.

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