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NHRC receives 58 complaints in Gombe in Q1 of 2021

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)  received 58 complaints of human rights violations in Gombe State in the first quarter of 2021.

The Gombe State Office Coordinator, NHRC, Mr Mohammed Ayuba, stated this in an interview with the newsmen in Gombe on Thursday.

Ayuba said 70 per cent of the complaints received were related to domestic violence, while four per cent was on Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV).

He noted that domestic violence was on the increase in the state, attributing it to the effect of the COVID-19 as “many bread winners have lost their jobs and cannot cater for their families effectively.’’

According to him, from investigation on complaints received, the harsh economic reality that resulted from the effect of the pandemic on the nation and state had made many couples easily angered.

“Most partners are now tensed up and are ready to explode at the slightest provocation. This is as a result of the negative impact of COVID-19 on the economy.’’

Ayuba stated that with proper counseling and other strategies deployed by the commission, 46 complaints were effectively resolved and “the concerned parties were satisfied and are living in peace.’’

He added that three of the cases were referred to the court while nine cases were pending.

The human rights official said since the major reasons for the complaints on domestic violence were as a result of financial challenges, misunderstanding and high costs of goods, he urged couples to be more understanding.

“ Couples must adjust to the present realities. This is not the time to live extravagant lifestyle. Let’s be more understanding, sincere, tolerant and patient with the other partners and even children,’’ he appealed.

Ayuba stated that when domestic violence occurred it was the children that suffered most and were the major victims in view of the psychological impact of the menace on them going forward.

“They said when two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. In most domestic violence cases, women and children are the major victims but the effect on children in the long run is worst.’’

Ayuba appealed to the Gombe State Government to strengthen its empowerment programmes to accommodate more women in the state, stressing that such would ensure that the household burden was not borne by one partner.

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