New Year: Gov. Kefas pardons 31 inmates

Gov. Agbu Kefas of Taraba on Monday pardoned 31 inmates in the state as part of activities to commemorate the 2024 New Year celebration.

He announced the pardon in a state-wide broadcast marking the new year in Jalingo.

He underscored the state government’s commitment to give deserving individuals a second chance, saying “in the spirit of renewal and progress, I am pleased to announce that, in the exercise of my prerogative of power, we shall be granting clemency to 31 deserving inmates.

“This decision reflects our commitment to justice, compassion, and the transformative power of rehabilitation.”

While acknowledging the prevalent security challenges affecting citizens in the state, the Governor pledged to intensify efforts in the upcoming months to create safer environment for all residents.

He added that “addressing the security challenges that have touched the lives of some of our citizens is a constitutional responsibility that we will take seriously in the coming months of the year.

“We will double our efforts to make Taraba safer for all. Together, we shall overcome the challenges and ensure that our state thrives in peace and harmony.”

Kefas assured the public of his dedication to the unity and development of the state.

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