NCAA enhances consumer protection department, rebrands for effective services

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) revamped its Consumer Protection Department to address complaints effectively.

The Director of Public Affairs, Mr. Michael Achimugu revealed that 70 percent of air passengers had no idea what the NCAA does in the industry.

He further stressed that about 65  percent of unruly passenger behaviour at the airports happens because pax are not aware that Consumer Protection Officers are available to assist with cases of flight disruptions.

He emphasised that most airport disruptions occur due to passengers’ ignorance of available assistance.

Passengers’ frustration often leads to unruly behavior, posing security and economic risks.

He said, “That frustration makes them take the laws into their own hands, damaging property and beating up airline staff. Unruly Pax behaviour is both a security and economic threat.”

The rebrand aims to raise awareness and reduce unruly behavior by 80 percent.

Mrs. Ifueko Abdulmalik is appointed as the Face of Aviation Consumer Protection for one year.

Mr. Achimugu highlighted the importance of initiatives to enhance the department’s image and visibility.

Consumer Protection Officers (CPOs) are essential frontline staff engaging with passengers daily.

Rebranding includes new dress codes, a complaints hotline, and promoting the Face of Aviation Consumer Protection.

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