NASD OTC Securities Exchange drops by 2.33%

By Kayode Tokede

The NASD OTC Securities Exchange’s NSI return fell by 2.33per cent to close last week at 697.3 basis points as against 713.91 basis points on prior week.

In addition, last week saw NASD Investors lose N11.92 billion in value as NASD OTC market capitalization closed at N500.32 billion compared to N512.24 billion on last Friday, resulting from a negative movement of prices.

There was a 106.10per cent increase in the total value traded during last week as week as NASD Investors trade a total of N 65,171,442.00 in value compared to N31,620,556.00 in the previous week. Total trade activity for the year is valued at N667,234,740.00.

Total volume traded during last week was 2,449,670 units compared to 370,270 units in the previous week leading to a 561.59per cent increase in trade volume compared to week eight. Total volume traded for the year is 26,650,671 units.

The week closed with Acorn Petroleum Plc ranking top among the five most traded securities by volume and Central Securities Clearing System Plc as the fifth most traded stock by volume traded in the week.

Top traded Securities by Values showed that last week closed with Friesland Campina Wamco Plc ranking top among the five most traded securities by value and Food Concepts Plc stood as the fifth most traded Security by value for the week.

On advancers for the week, Acorn Petroleum Plc, which currently holds a Market Capitalization of N N340.00 Million closed the week at N 0.17 representing a 6.25 per cent increase from the previous close of N0.16.

Friesland Campina Wamco Plc, which currently holds a Market Capitalization of N117.49 billion closed the week at N120.34 representing a 0.76 per cent increase from the previous close of N 119.43.

Niger Delta Exploration & Production Plc, which currently holds a Market Capitalization of N48.98 Billion closed the week at N270.00 representing a 7.79 percent decrease from the previous close of N292.82.

Central Securities Clearing System Plc, which currently holds a market capitalization of N78.60billion closed the week at N 15.72 representing a 4.72 percent decrease from the previous close of N 16.50

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