Medical professional advocates for 7-9 hours sleep for physical, mental well being    

By Racheal Oyelola

An Osun-based medical professional has advocated for adequate sleep between seven to nine hours daily in order for the body to develop mentally, physically and to maintain psychological well being.

While speaking yesterday, Dr Kikelomo Kuku stated that the notion that sleep of four to six hours is enough is wrong and not good for proper wellbeing.

Dr Kuku disclosed that sleep performs a lot of functions and repair work and as such should be given adequate priority for good health.

However, the physician noted that many individuals work and do not see the need to sleep as at when due adding that they reserve sleep for the last task to be carried out towards the end of each working day.

While debunking the erroneous beliefs attributed to sleep, she explained that people should not reserve sleep as the last task for the day.

According to her, “We should always find time to sleep whenever we feel the urge to.

“It has been scientifically observed that some individuals cannot sleep for eight to 10 straight hours. In such a case, what we suggest is for that person to break it down.

“This simply means that the person should sleep when the urge comes. This could be during the day. A short nap in the office or during break time, does not do any harm.

“By the time they add up all the hours, they will discover that they have managed to sleep for three to four hours. Add that of night to it and you will discover that you have slept for eight or 10 hours.

“We are not suggesting people sleep for such long hours. We know that while some can sleep for such long hours, some cannot. In that case, we advise short naps to compliment it.”

Kuku kicked against the use of sedatives and caffeine to enhance sleep adding that such drugs are reserved for when they are necessary.

She also warned that over use of such drugs could lead to addiction and that sedatives should be prescribed and strictly monitored by a certified medical practitioner.

“Anybody finding it difficult to sleep should seek the help of a physician and not resort to the use of sedatives as such could lead to unnecessary medical emergencies,” she warned.

“A solution to treating sleep deficiency is to adopt proper sleep hygiene. These include, avoidance of caffeine before going to sleep, going to bed at the same time every night and removal of distractions from the sleep environment.”

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