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Lessons from the billionaire businesswoman, humanitarian of note, Folorunsho Alakija

Afolabi Rachel

Scrolling though the list of Nigeria’s richest entrepreneurs, it is certain you wouldn’t miss out this name – Folorunsho Alakija. Several rankings have acclaimed her to be the richest woman in Nigeria, and the 2020 list of Africa’s Billionaires placed her at 20th position in Africa.

Folorunsho Alakija over the last decade has been widely recognised as one of the richest people in Africa. Born on the 15th day of July 1951 to a middle class family in Lagos Nigeria, Alakija has travelled the world and worked her way up to the peak.

With business interest in many sectors in the economy which include oil and gas, transportation, and fashion designing, among others, she has made a name for herself.

Success they say is not an easy step in the business world. It takes a lot of effort, hard work and determination to make it as a successful business man or woman. Also, only a few have been able to carve a name for themselves in gold.

Mrs Alakija’s success story is very much inspiring as she gradually rose from grass to grace, coming from a polygamous household where her wealth and fame were not handed over to her on a platter of gold. She had to work tirelessly in order to pursue her dreams of being successful.

As part of the game changers who has shown that women can be successful in their chosen profession, there are so many lessons to be gleaned from the story of this billionaire businesswoman and humanitarian of note.

She has often shared the secrets of her success story and one thing that is worthy of note is the fact that she never fails to acknowledge God’s unseen hands in her journey. Her acknowledgment of God and reference to Him in her success journey is astounding.

Every individual should understand that there is no overnight success stories. This is one lesson we should hold very close to our hearts because many people want to get rich very quick. Many are prepared to cut corners without minding the cost. The get-rich-quick syndrome has plunged many deep into doing the abominable.

It took Alakija over 30 years to become one of the most influential women on this continent which goes to show that it takes time to achieve success. To be a successful  person doesn’t just happen. Lots of years of sweat, failure, rejections and hard work are poured into it.

Furthermore, it pays to invest in your own growth. It is often said the the greatest investment with the best Return of Investment (ROI) is investing in oneself. Sometimes, in order to get to the next level, one has to spend time investing in one’s personal development.

After quitting her job, Alakija decided to study fashion designing to learn the trade and get qualified as a designer before becoming one of the leading fashion houses of her time. In this era of job insecurity, a person can lose their job at any moment in time but owning a skill is always for a lifetime. You can’t get fired from your own skill except you decide to quit.

Nigerian youths should learn to take advantage of opportunities. It pays to be vigilant and pay attention to details. One can never tell when an opportunity is lurking nearby. Doors of opportunities will be opened to us all at some point in time, and it is left to us to grab onto them, never letting them go or pass us by. A chance meeting with an old friend and the discussion they both had on a flight to the UK were all Alkaija needed to start thinking about the oil sector which now accounts for massive portion of her fortune.

Business has no gender. Success in business is not exclusively preserved for any gender but rather hard work, diligence and perseverance. So many women are changing the narrative today. Folorunsho Alakija is one of the prominent female business moguls in the competitive male-dominated oil industry, proving that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.

Do not accept no for an answer; no is never good enough. Alakija said she was able to get to where she is now because she never backed down. In the business world  you need a strong backbone to survive and you must also be ready to face huge rejection.

Alakija initially had a number of rejections when she was looking to break into the competitive industry but each time she went right back. She said she was able to get to where she is now because she never gave up. In business, her persistence and resilient spirit beat the resistance of the then oil minister who eventually awarded her the oil license.

Lastly, there is beauty in taking up challenges and going the extra mile. Not settling for less is definitely one part to tread in the path of success. Take your  time to go the extra mile. Do not be afraid of taking up challenges. Don’t be afraid to take risks; don’t be scared of going one extra mile. You’re never going to stand out if you continue doing things the way others do it.

No one stands out by settling for less. What makes you stand out in the midst of the crowds are the things you do differently. Go an extra mile no matter how tough it might be. Alakija went the extra mile and also challenged herself into doing things differently. She decided to go into a career that was predominantly dominated by men.

There are definitely many more lessons to draw from her story and wealth of experience. The life of this great woman is a testament to every young woman aspiring to be successful that women can be anything they choose to be (and be exceedingly successful) as long as their mind is made up.

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